
Homepage: https://bitbucket.org/agriggio/ahg

Author: Alberto Griggio



Alberto's Emacs interface for Mercurial (Hg)


A simple Emacs interface for the Mercurial (Hg) Distributed SCM.

Quick Guide

After the installation, an ``aHg`` menu appears as a child of the standard
``Tools`` menu of Emacs. The available commands are:

   Shows the status of the current working directory, much like the
   ``cvs-examine`` command of PCL-CVS.

Log Summary:
   Shows a table with a short change history of the current working

Detailed Log:
   Shows a more detailed change history of the current working directory.

Commit Current File:
   Commits the file you are currently visiting.

View Changes of Current File:
   Displays changes of current file wrt. the tip of the repository.

Mercurial Queues:
   Support for basic commands of the mq extension.

Execute Hg Command:
   Lets you execute an arbitrary hg command. The focus goes to the
   minibuffer, where you can enter the command to execute. You don't have
   to type ``hg``, as this is implicit. For example, to execute ``hg
   outgoing``, simply enter ``outgoing``. Pressing ``TAB`` completes the
   current command or file name.

Help on Hg Command:
   Shows help on a given hg command (again, use ``TAB`` to complete partial
   command names).

aHg buffers

The ``Status``, ``Log Summary``, ``Detailed Log`` and the ``List of MQ
Patches`` commands display their results on special buffers. Each of these
has its own menu, with further available commands.


There are some options that you can customize (e.g. global keybindings or
fonts). To do so, use ``M-x customize-group RET ahg``.
