Homepage: https://github.com/rubikitch/all-ext
Author: rubikitch
M-x all with helm-swoop/anything/multiple-cursors/line-number
Extend M-x all (older than M-x occur-edit-mode) to be replacement of it. - Show line number before line content (using overlay) - Can navigate with M-x next-error / M-x previous-error - Use C-x h in *All* to get all matched lines. Call M-x all from anything/helm: 1. Call anything/helm command showing lineno and content such as M-x anything-occur / anything-browse-code / helm-occur / helm-swoop(RECOMMENDED!) etc 2. Press C-c C-a to show anything/helm contents into *All* buffer 3. You can edit *All* buffer! Multiple-cursors in *All*: - Press C-c C-m sets one cursor to all lines in *All* buffer. - If you use helm-swoop, set multiple cursors at the first match! - Otherwise, they are at the beginning of line. (limitation) *All* is undo-able!