Homepage: https://github.com/anki-editor/anki-editor
Author: Lei Tan
Minor mode for making Anki cards with Org
This package is for users of both Emacs and Anki, who'd like to make Anki cards in Org mode. With this package, Anki cards can be made from an Org buffer like below (inspired by org-drill): * Sample :emacs:lisp:programming: :PROPERTIES: :ANKI_DECK: Computing :ANKI_NOTE_TYPE: Basic :END: ** Front How to say "hello world" in elisp? ** Back #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp (message "Hello, world!") #+END_SRC This package extends Org-mode's built-in HTML backend to generate HTML for contents of note fields with specific syntax (e.g. latex) translated to Anki style. For this package to work, you have to setup these external dependencies: - Anki - AnkiConnect, an Anki addon that runs an RPC server over HTTP to expose Anki functions as APIs, for installation instructions see https://github.com/FooSoft/anki-connect#installation - curl