

Author: Christoph Wedler


Major mode for ANTLR grammar files


The Emacs package ANTLR-Mode provides: syntax highlighting for ANTLR grammar
files, automatic indentation, menus containing rule/token definitions and
supported options and various other things like running ANTLR from within

For details, check  or, if you prefer
the manual style, follow all commands mentioned in the documentation of
`antlr-mode'.  ANTLR is a LL(k)-based recognition tool which generates
lexers, parsers and tree transformers in Java, C++ or Sather and can be
found at .

Bug fixes, bug reports, improvements, and suggestions for the newest version
are strongly appreciated.


 * Next Version [C-c C-w].  Produce HTML document with syntax highlighted
   and hyper-links (using htmlize).
 * Next Version [C-c C-u].  Insert/update special comments: each rule lists
   all rules which use the current rule.  With font-lock update.
 * Next Version.  Make hiding much more customizable.
 * Planned [C-c C-j].  Jump to generated coding.
 * Planned.  Further support for imenu, i.e., include entries for method
   definitions at beginning of grammar class.
 * Planned [C-c C-p].  Pack/unpack rule/subrule & options (one/multi-line).

 * Probably.  Show rules/dependencies for ANT like for Makefile (does ANT
   support vocabularies and grammar inheritance?), I have to look at
 * Probably.  Make `indent-region' faster, especially in actions.  ELP
   profiling in a class init action shows half the time is spent in
   `antlr-next-rule', the other half in `c-guess-basic-syntax'.
 * Unlikely.  Sather as generated language with syntax highlighting etc/.
   Questions/problems: is sather-mode.el the standard mode for sather, is it
   still supported, what is its relationship to eiffel3.el?  Requirement:
   this mode must not depend on a Sather mode.
 * Unlikely.  Faster syntax highlighting: sectionize the buffer into Antlr
   and action code and run special highlighting functions on these regions.
   Problems: code size, this mode would depend on font-lock internals.
