

Author: Stefan A. van der Meer



Major mode for editing ActionScript 3 code


as3-mode is a simple major mode for editing ActionScript 3 code, deriving
from js-mode (js.el, included with Emacs). js-mode already does the right
thing with regards to indentation for AS3 code (not surprising considering
their similarity), so this mode only adds some AS3-specific fontification.

Some alternative modes for AS3 you might want to look at:

- as3-mode.el by Aemon Cannon (
  Depends on flyparse for live parsing, making it more heavyweight, but it
  can offer more feedback. Has indentation bugs (on single-line block
  statements without braces).

- ecmascript-mode.el by David Lindquist (see
  Compatible with all ECMAScript-derived languages including AS3, but has
  font/indent bugs (fontifies keywords in comments, indents "for each" blocks
  wrong, etc).

- actionscript-mode.el by Austin Haas (see
  More lightweight than as3-mode, but defines its own set of faces rather
  than using standard font-lock faces. Borrows indentation from as3-mode,
  along with the bugs.

All of them have some issues that I found annoying, hence this mode. It aims
to avoid indentation issues by depending on cc-mode, made easy because
js-mode already configures cc-mode's indentation the way we need it.

Some fontification of built-ins is borrowed from ecmascript-mode.el.

Tested only on Emacs 24.

Known issues:

- Some parts of js-mode are used that are meant to be private (prefixed with

- Certain syntax for namespace usage is not fontified
  (e.g., foo.mx_internal::barField.baz)

- Identifiers in package and class declarations are not fontified yet.

- Function definitions that do not specify a return type are underlined as
  warning, even if you are not compiling in strict mode and hence do not
  require return types.

- AS3-specific builtins are not fontified, even very common ones.
