

Author: Erik Hetzner



Implementation of draft atom-api


It has been tested on emacs21 and 22 (cvs). The URL package may
cause you trouble; the latest version from Emacs CVS seems to
work. The one with emacs21 on debian unstable does not seem to
work. I am trying to keep a working copy at the projet web
site. Diffs for working on other emacs are welcomed.

You can customize atom-api:feed/seed-urls to point to atom apis.

This relies upon nxml-mode to edit atom entries. You may add some
filter functions to atom-api:filters/entry/pre-edit &
/post-edit. Filters are already there to fix

To begin a new entry, type M-x atom-api:entry/new. This will prompt
for a title and open a new buffer with your new entry.

To edit an entry, type M-x atom-api:entry/edit. You can then type
the title, date, or id of the entry to fetch & edit it.

After you edit a buffer run atom-api:entry/publish. This works for
new or edited buffers.

If you type return after running atom-api:entry/delete, it will try
to delete the currently edited entry.

To do:

Add support for 'magic' file extension; ie, be able to 'open' and
'save' atom entries as files.

Clean up variable/function names.

Decrease deviation from spec; also, increase the conformity to the
