Homepage: https://github.com/shipmints/autorevert-tail-truncate.el
Author: Stephane Marks
Auto-revert-tail your files with RAM control
`auto-revert-tail-truncate-mode' is a veneer over `auto-revert-tail-mode' to automate truncating the tailed buffer to a user-specified number of lines. This allows you, for example, to tail log files in an auto-reverting buffer forever without running out of memory. By default, a newly tailed buffer is immediately truncated for the same reason. Also, by default, the buffer's undo log is disabled along with font-lock to both preserve memory and optimize CPU consumption. Use the command auto-revert-tail-truncate-file to open a file in a new buffer with `auto-revert-tail-truncate-mode' enabled. Add a function to `auto-revert-tail-truncate-mode-hook' to control additional features in your tailed buffers; e.g., truncate-lines, controlling so-long-mode threshold, disabling spell checking, or enabling other minor modes for specific log-file formats (the visual features of which may require you to enable font-lock for those buffers).