Homepage: https://github.com/chadbraunduin/backups-mode
Author: Chad Braun-Duin
Major mode for autosaving files and listing, viewing, and reverting Emacs generated backups
The purpose of these commands and this new major mode is to loosely approximate the autosave-with-versions API recently instituted by Apple for Mac OS X Lion. Installation git clone git@github.com:chadbraunduin/backups-mode.git cd backups-mode # copy to your emacs load-path cp backups-mode.el bm-utilities.el backup-walker.el ~/.emacs.d/ # this assumes ~/.emacs.d/ is in your emacs load-path # add the following to .emacs (require 'backups-mode) (backups-minor-mode) Addtional Configuration putting this in your .emacs will allow you to change version control settings. These are the default settings found in backups-mode.el. (setq backup-by-copying t delete-old-versions t kept-new-versions 6 kept-old-versions 2 version-control t) Documentation on these settings can be found here: http://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/elisp/html_node/Numbered-Backups.html My Personal Configuration As an example, here's the configuration from my .emacs file (require 'backups-mode) (defvar backup-directory "~/.emacs-backups/backups/") (defvar tramp-backup-directory "~/.emacs-backups/tramp-backups/") (backups-minor-mode) keep all versions forever (setq delete-old-versions 1) Usage While editing a file-based buffer there are two new commands and some changes to note. Now, whenever you kill a buffer or kill emacs, all file-based buffers will be saved without prompting. New Commands while editing a file: save-version (\C-cv) will backup the previously saved version of the file. list-backups (\C-cb) will open a backups-mode buffer. The backups-mode buffer will list all backups Emacs has created for the file and will allow you these options: view-backup () will open a backup file read-only. revert-backup (R) will backup the current file then replace the current file with the backup you've chosen. diff 2 files (d + d) You can choose from the current file or any backup files and diff two of them. purge backups (p [+ p] + x) You can delete backups in a batch fashion by marking backups then executing a deletion of all the marked backups.