

Author: Currell Berry



Navigation backwards and forwards across marks


this package provides eclipse-like forward/backward navigation
bound by default to  (backward-forward-previous-location)
and  (backward-forward-next-location)

More Info:
backward-forward hooks onto "push-mark" operations and keeps
track of all such operations in a global list of marks called backward-forward-mark-ring
this enables easy navigation forwards and backwards in your history
of marked locations using  and  (or feel free to change the keybindings).

Many Emacs commands (such as searching or switching buffers with certain packages enabled)
invoke push-mark.
Other Emacs commands can be configured to invoke push mark using the system below:
     (advice-add 'ggtags-find-tag-dwim :before #'backward-forward-push-mark-wrapper)
 You can see examples of the above convention below.

Use C-h k to see what command a given key sequence is invoking.

to use this package, install though the usual Emacs package install mechanism
then put the following in your .emacs

   ;(setf backward-forward-evil-compatibility-mode t) ;the line to the left is optional,
         ; and recommended only if you are using evil mode
   (backward-forward-mode t)

| Commmand                | Keybinding |
| backward-forward-previous-location |    |
| backward-forward-next-location     |   |
