Homepage: https://github.com/emacs-jp/bf-mode
Author: isojin
Browse file persistently on dired
What is this: Bf(Browse File)-mode is minor-mode for dired. Bf-mode allows you to browse file easily and directly, despite of keeping dired. Features: * easy browsing (texts, images, ... ) * allow to use dired command (mark, delete, ... ) * browse contents in directory * browse contents list in archived file such as .tar.* or .lzh * browse html files with w3m Install: 1. Put "bf-mode.el" into your load-path directory. 2. Add the following line to your dot.emacs. (require 'bf-mode) 3. If you need to configure, add the following lines in your dot.emacs. ;; list up file extensions which should be excepted (setq bf-mode-except-exts (append '("\\.dump$" "\\.data$" "\\.mp3$" "\\.lnk$") bf-mode-except-exts)) ;; list up file extensions which should be forced browsing (setq bf-mode-force-browse-exts (append '("\\.txt$" "\\.and.more...") bf-mode-force-browse-exts)) ;; browsable file size maximum (setq bf-mode-browsing-size 100) ;; 100 killo bytes ;; browsing htmls with w3m (needs emacs-w3m.el and w3m) (setq bf-mode-html-with-w3m t) ;; browsing archive file (contents listing) verbosely (setq bf-mode-archive-list-verbose t) ;; browing directory (file listing) verbosely (setq bf-mode-directory-list-verbose t) ;; start bf-mode immediately after starting dired (setq bf-mode-enable-at-starting-dired t) ;; quitting dired directly from bf-mode (setq bf-mode-directly-quit t) Usage: 1. invoke dired by C-x d. 2. b enter bf-mode 3. b or q exit from bf-mode 4. n or p move cursor to target file in order to browse it. 5. SPC scroll up browsing window S-SPC scroll down browsing window 6. r toggle read-only j toggle browsing alternatively (html, archive and more) s adjust browsable file size