

Author: Clément Pit-Claudel



Browse and import bibliographic references and BibTeX records from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, IEEE Xplore, Dissemin, and


# biblio.el: An extensible Emacs package for browsing and fetching references

biblio.el makes it easy to browse and gather bibliographic references and
publications from various sources, by keywords or by DOI.  References are
automatically fetched from well-curated sources, and formatted as BibTeX.

## Supported sources:

* ‘CrossRef’, an exhaustive academic search engine (recommended)
* ‘arXiv’, an archive of pre-prints in various scientific fields
* ‘DBLP’, a database of Computer Science publications
* ‘HAL’, a French repository of Open Access publications
* ‘’, a DOI resolver (to retrieve BibTeX records from DOIs)
* ‘CrossCite’, an alternative DOI resolver and BibTeX formatting service
* ‘Dissemin’, a database tracking the open access status of scholarly articles

## Usage

Quick start: ‘M-x biblio-lookup’.  Each source can also be accessed independently:

* ‘M-x crossref-lookup’ to query CrossRef
* ‘M-x arxiv-lookup` to query arXiv
* `M-x dblp-lookup’ to query DBLP
* ‘M-x doi-insert’ to insert a BibTeX record by DOI
* ‘M-x dissemin-lookup’ to show information about the open access status of a
  particular DOI

Most of these commands work together: for example, ‘crossref-lookup’ displays a
list of results in ‘biblio-selection-mode’.  In that mode, use:

* ‘RET’ to visit the corresponding web page
* ‘c’ or ‘M-w’ to copy the BibTeX record of the current entry
* ‘i’ or ‘C-y’ to insert the BibTeX record of the current entry
* ‘x’ to run an extended action, such as fetching a Dissemin record

‘C’ and ‘I’ do the same as ‘c’ and ‘i’, but additionally close the search window.

## Examples

* To insert a clean BibTeX entry for
  in the current buffer, use

        M-x crossref-lookup RET fiat deductive delaware RET i

  (the last ‘i’ inserts the BibTeX record of the currently selected entry in
   your buffer).

* To find publications by computer scientist Leslie Lamport, use ‘M-x
  dblp-lookup RET author:Lamport RET’ (see more info about DBLP's syntax at

* To check whether an article is freely available online, use ‘x’ in the list
  of results.  For example ‘M-x crossref-lookup RET Emacs stallman RET’
  followed by ‘x Dissemin RET’ will help you find open access copies of
  Stallman's paper on EMACS (spoiler:

See for more information, including
documentation on extending this framework.


Reverse dependencies