

Author: Bastien Guerry



Export a blog from an org file


blorg creates a blog from an org file.  Just edit your `org-mode'
buffer then do M-x `blorg-publish'.  This is bound to C-c ".

Here is the list of pages created by `blorg':

- index page
- atom/rss feed for index page
- tags pages
- atom/rss feeds for tags pages
- months pages
- posts pages

Each page is rendered with a specific HTML layout.  You can change
the layout of all theses pages (and of the post itself) by using
templates.  Have a look at M-x customize-group `blorg-templates'.

If a post or a tag-page already exists, `blorg' won't overwrite it.
To force publishing of all the pages, add a prefix: C-u M-x

`blorg' will only publish posts marked with the "DONE" todo
keyword.  You can use another string either by explicitely adding
the #+DONE_STRING: option at the beginning of the file or by
changing the last keyword in `org-todo-keywords'.  This TODO
keywords are also set by #+SEQ_TODO: in the buffer.

If the heading of an entry is followed by a CLOSED keyword,
`blorg' will use this date as the publication date.

If the heading if followed by tags, `blorg' will publish a tag
page for each one of them.

You can set up a few options, either by customizing the variable
`blorg-default-options' (for all your Org) files or by adding
options at the beginning of the file:

Main informations:
#+TITLE       : the title of your blog
#+SUBTITLE    : the subtitle of your blog
#+AUTHOR      : the author of the blog
#+EMAIL       : the author's e-mail address
#+LANGUAGE    : language of the blog

Publishing options:
#+BLOG_URL    : the full url of the blog
#+PUBLISH_DIR : absolute directory name (where to publish files)
#+UPLOAD_DIR  : relative upload directory name
#+IMAGES_DIR  : relative images directory name
#+CONFIG_FILE : elisp config file for this blog

Other informations::
#+CREATED     : <%Y-%m-%d>
#+KEYWORDS    : global keywords for this blog
#+HOMEPAGE    : the author's homepage (not her blog)OB
#+ENCODING    : encoding of the blog
#+HTML_CSS    : stylesheet URL for html pages
#+XML_CSS     : stylesheet URL for xml feeds
#+FEED_TYPE   : atom or rss (which is rss 2.0 by default)
#+DONE_STRING : (maybe special) DONE string

See M-x `customize-group' RET `blorg' for further details.

Warning: you should better run `blorg' with the latest
`org-mode' - at least org-mode v4.53.  You can get org-mode from
here : 

Put this file into your load-path and the following into your
~/.emacs: (require 'blorg)
