Homepage: http://www.emacs.mirkolinkonline.de/spiele.html
Author: Luke Lee
Brief Editor Emulator (Brief Mode)
This Extended Brief editor emulator (Brief mode) was originally based on the CRiSP mode emulator (listed below), with completely rewriting over 17+ years. Almost all of the original Brief 3.1 Editor keys are implemented and extended. A lot of editor behaviors were also adapted to Emacs. One example is that this Brief emulator is able to respect `visual-line-mode', `toggle-truncate-lines' and hidden/abbreviated mode texts (which usually shown as "..." in Emacs) such as org-mode, hideshow mode and hideif mode (hide C/C++ "#ifdef" conditional compilation units, another package that I had rewritten). When texts are hidden at cursor line, Brief line-oriented commands like line-cut, line-copy, line-deletion ... will operate on all hidden lines. For a full key commands list of this Brief Mode, please read the file `README.org' in this package. For a complete description of the functions extended, please search the "brief.el" source code for ";;; Brief Extension:". Main TOC is: * Visual mode, line truncation and hidden texts * Fast line number computation cache * Huge clipboard/Xselection texts * External Xselection helper programs `xsel' and `xclip' * Fast cursor movement Key Binding Compatibility Note Platform Compatibility Notes Enabling Brief Mode Cygwin 2.x Users Based CRiSP version info: CRiSP mode from XEmacs: revision 1.34 at 1998/08/11 21:18:53. CRiSP mode was created on 01 Mar 1996 by "Gary D. Foster"