Homepage: https://github.com/browse-kill-ring/browse-kill-ring
Author: Colin Walters
Interactively insert items from kill-ring
Ever feel that 'C-y M-y M-y M-y ...' is not a great way of trying to find that piece of text you know you killed a while back? Then browse-kill-ring.el is for you. This package is simple to install; add (require 'browse-kill-ring) to your ~/.emacs file, after placing this file somewhere in your `load-path'. If you want to use 'M-y' to invoke `browse-kill-ring', also add (browse-kill-ring-default-keybindings) to your ~/.emacs file. Alternatively, you can bind it to another key such as "C-c k", with: (global-set-key (kbd "C-c k") 'browse-kill-ring) Note that the command keeps track of the last window displayed to handle insertion of chosen text; this might have unexpected consequences if you do 'M-x browse-kill-ring', then switch your window configuration, and try to use the same *Kill Ring* buffer again.