
Homepage: https://github.com/florommel/bufferlo

Author: Florian Rommel



Manage frame/tab-local buffer lists


This gives you separate buffer lists per frame and per (tab-bar) tab.

Bufferlo is a lightweight wrapper around Emacs's buffer-list frame
parameter.  In contrast to similar solutions, it integrates
seamlessly with the standard frame and tab management facilities,
including undeletion of frame and tabs, tab duplication and moving,
frame cloning, and persisting sessions (via desktop.el).

With bufferlo, every frame or tab (if you use tab-bar tabs) has an
additional manageable local buffer list.  A buffer is added to the
local buffer list when displayed in the frame/tab (e.g., by opening
a new file in the tab or by switching to the buffer from the global
buffer list).  Bufferlo provides extensive management functions for
the local list and frame/tab-local variants of the switch-buffer
function, buffer menu, and Ibuffer.  In addition, you can configure
any command that selects a buffer to use the local buffer list
(bufferlo anyhwere).  Bufferlo also allows you to bookmark and
persist the state of individual frames or tabs.
