
Homepage: http://www.agisphere.com/~pierquin/emacs



BUildFile FInder, a smart compile wrapper to build multiple [java] projects


buffi allows you to easily work on multiple projects with different
buildfiles at the same time.  (Note : I call a 'buildfile' any file
that drive a compilation sequence, such as Makefiles, or ant's
build.xml files)  It's especially useful for Java projects where
you're usually working with source code in subdirectories with the
buildfiles somewhere up the directory tree.  The idea is that you
may have a dozen source files (including buildfiles) open from
different projects at the same time.  If I'm editing a file from
Project A and execute 'buffi-build' (bound to C-c c) then I
probably want the buildfile from that project to be executed.  The
buildfile is most likely either in the current directory or one of
its parents, and the code below will perform that search and
execute the "make" (or "ant") command in the appropriate directory.
The other case is when you execute 'buffi-build' and are NOT on a
regular source file (maybe you're in some random documentation
buffer or something).  In this case it will do the best it can and
execute the make on the first buildfile buffer it can find.

Here's what is does :
 if current buffer is buildfile, build upon it
 if not,
 if current directory has a buildfile, build upon it
   if not recurse to parent
 if none of the parents has a buildfile,
    find a buildfile buffer and build upon it
    report an error.
