Homepage: https://github.com/arminfriedl/claude-shell
Author: Armin Friedl
Integration with Anthropic's Claude LLM
`claude-shell' is a comint-based shell to interact with Anthrophic's Claude AI. It is based on `shell-maker' providing a convenience layer on top of comint. It strives to be similar in functionality and spirit to `chatgpt-shell' (https://github.com/xenodium/chatgpt-shell) just for Claude models. `claude-shell' provides an interactive chat with Claude in a dedicated shell buffer. It also integrates with the rest of Emacs to allow seamlessly calling out to Claude on-demand. Similar to the many AI copilots around. You must set `claude-shell-api-token' to your API token before using it. Run `claude-shell' to get an interactive Claude shell.