

Author: Olin Shivers


Scheme process in a buffer. Adapted from tea.el


This is a customization of comint-mode (see comint.el)

Written by Olin Shivers (  With bits and pieces
lifted from scheme.el, shell.el, clisp.el, newclisp.el, cobol.el, et al..

Please send me bug reports, bug fixes, and extensions, so that I can
merge them into the master source.

NOTE: MIT Cscheme, when invoked with the -emacs flag, has a special user
interface that communicates process state back to the superior Emacs by
outputting special control sequences.  The Emacs package, xscheme.el, has
lots and lots of special purpose code to read these control sequences, and
so is very tightly integrated with the cscheme process.  The cscheme
interrupt handler and debugger read single character commands in cbreak
mode; when this happens, xscheme.el switches to special keymaps that bind
the single letter command keys to Emacs functions that directly send the
character to the scheme process.  Cmuscheme mode does *not* provide this
functionality.  If you are a cscheme user, you may prefer to use the
xscheme.el/cscheme -emacs interaction.

Here's a summary of the pros and cons, as I see them.
xscheme: Tightly integrated with inferior cscheme process!  A few commands
	     not in cmuscheme.  But.  Integration is a bit of a hack.  Input
	     history only keeps the immediately prior input.  Bizarre

cmuscheme: Not tightly integrated with inferior cscheme process.  But.
           Carefully integrated functionality with the entire suite of
           comint-derived CMU process modes.  Keybindings reminiscent of
           Zwei and Hemlock.  Good input history.  A few commands not in

It's a tradeoff.  Pay your money; take your choice.  If you use a Scheme
that isn't Cscheme, of course, there isn't a choice.  Xscheme.el is *very*
Cscheme-specific; you must use cmuscheme.el.  Interested parties are
invited to port xscheme functionality on top of comint mode...

8/88 Olin

2/15/89 Olin
Removed -emacs flag from process invocation.  It's only useful for
cscheme, and makes cscheme assume it's running under xscheme.el,
which messes things up royally.  A bug.

5/22/90 Olin
- Upgraded to use comint-send-string and comint-send-region.
- run-scheme now offers to let you edit the command line if
  you invoke it with a prefix-arg.  M-x scheme is redundant, and
  has been removed.
- Explicit references to process "scheme" have been replaced with
  (scheme-proc).  This allows better handling of multiple process bufs.
- Added scheme-send-last-sexp, bound to C-x C-e.  A gnu convention.
- Have not added process query facility a la cmulisp.el's lisp-show-arglist
  and friends, but interested hackers might find a useful application
  of this facility.

3/12/90 Olin
- scheme-load-file and scheme-compile-file no longer switch-to-scheme.
  Tale suggested this.


Reverse dependencies