Homepage: http://nschum.de/src/emacs/compile-bookmarks
Author: Nikolaj Schumacher
Bookmarks for compilation commands
compile-bookmarks.el allows you to bookmark your compile commands and retain them across sessions. When you enable the global `compile-bookmarks-mode', your bookmarks will be loaded from `compile-bm-save-file'. If you quit emacs with the mode enabled, the bookmarks will be stored automatically. You can manage your bookmarks with `compile-bm-add', `compile-bm-remove' and `compile-bm-recompile', or use the "Compile" menu. Keys can be assigned to bookmarks as well. All keybindings are added to `compile-bm-shortcut-map', which is bound to C-cby default. To change this prefix key, you can add the following to you .emacs: (define-key compile-bookmarks-mode-map (kbd "C-c ") compile-bm-shortcut-map)