
Homepage: http://ulf.epplejasper.de/EmacsGeneralPurpose.html

Author: Ulf Jasper



Functions for reading and parsing CSV files


csv.el provides functions for reading and parsing CSV (Comma Separated
Value) files.  It follows the format as defined in RFC 4180 "Common
Format and MIME Type for CSV Files" (http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4180).

Main routine is `csv-parse-buffer' which takes a buffer containing a
CSV file and converts its contents into list form.  The first line of
the CSV file can be interpreted as a list of keys.  In this case

Key1,Key 2,"Key3"
Value2a,Value2b,"Very, very long Value

gets translated into a list of alists:

((("Key1" . "Value1a") ("Key 2" . "Value1b") ("Key3" . "Value1c"))
 (("Key1" . "Value2a") ("Key 2" . "Value2b") ("Key3" . "Very, very long Value\n2c")))

If the first line of the CSV file shall NOT be interpreted as a list of
key names the result is a list of lists:

(("Key1" "Key 2" "Key3")
 ("Value1a" "Value1b" "Value1c")
 ("Value2a" "Value2b" "Very, very long Value\n2c"))

The function `csv-insert-contents' demonstrates how to use

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