
Author: Kevin A. Burton



Smart cvs-commit interface for emacs


cvs-commit.el is a Emacs modification for smarter cvs-commit management.  It
contains the following features:

- emulates console "cvs commit" by providing standard cvs comments which most
  CVS users would expect.

- after commits, show cvs output

- when you run cvs-commit, vc-diff is also ran so that while you are
  providing your CVS log you can look at what you have actually done so that
  you don't forget to correctly document something

- when editing your cvs log, you can use C-return to scroll the diff output.

- rebinds C-xC-q so that cvs-commit is the default commit mechanism.  

- manage window geometry so that all this information is shown to the user in
  an obvious manner.

I don't think this should conflict with current vc operation.  It is possible
that it is not hooked in perfectly as I have not used in all situations.
