
Homepage: https://gitlab.com/matsievskiysv/display-buffer-control

Author: Matsievskiy S.V.



Control how to open buffers


See README at https://gitlab.com/matsievskiysv/display-buffer-control for
detailed description of package functions.

Display-buffer-control (dbc) package is an interface to Emacs's powerful
`display-buffer' function.  It allows to specify how the buffers should be
opened: should the new buffer be opened in a new frame or the current frame
(Emacs frame is a window in terms of window managers) how to position a new
window relative to the current one etc.

dbc uses rules and ruleset to describe how the new buffers should be opened.
Rulesets have a `display-buffer` action associated with them.  Actions describe
how the new window will be displayed (see `display-buffer` help page for

In order to apply these actions to buffers, rules must be added.  Rules specify
matching conditions for the ruleset.


Open Lua, Python, R, Julia and shell inferior buffers in new frames, enable
`dbc-verbose` flag:

(use-package dbc
  (dbc-verbose t)
  (dbc-add-ruleset "pop-up-frame" dbc-right-side-action)
  (dbc-add-rule "pop-up-frame" "shell" :oldmajor "sh-mode" :newname "\\*shell\\*")
  (dbc-add-rule "pop-up-frame" "python" :newmajor "inferior-python-mode")
  (dbc-add-rule "pop-up-frame" "ess" :newmajor "inferior-ess-.+-mode")
  (dbc-add-rule "pop-up-frame" "lua repl" :newmajor "comint-mode" :oldmajor "lua-mode" :newname "\\*lua\\*"))

Display help in right side window:

(require 'dbc)

(dbc-add-ruleset "rightside" '((display-buffer-in-side-window) . ((side . right) (window-width . 0.4))))
(dbc-add-rule "rightside" "help" :newname "\\*help\\*")
