Homepage: https://github.com/aggu4/defcapture
Author: Abraham Aguilar
A convenience macro for the Doct DSL
This is a simple convenience macro for defining org capture templates. It uses the Doct DSL for declarations. It has a dedicated namespace for capture templates and provides convenient functions to manage capture templates. Example of usage: (defcapture parent () "Parent Capture" :keys "p" :file "~/example.org" :prepend t :template ("* %{todo-state} %^{Description}" ":PROPERTIES:" ":Created: %U" ":END:" "%?")) (defcapture childa (parent) "First Child" :keys "a" :headline "One" :todo-state "TODO" :hook (lambda () (message "\" First Child\" selected."))) (defcapture childb (parent) "Second Child" :keys "b" :headline "Two" :todo-state "NEXT") (defcapture childc (parent) "Third Child" :keys "c" :headline "Three" :todo-state "MAYBE")