
Homepage: https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-icon

Author: Hong Xu



A minor mode to display a list of associated icons in dired buffers


This package provides a minor mode `dired-icon-mode' to display an icon for
each file type in dired buffers.  Currently MacOS and systems which run GTK
3, such as GNU/Linux, GNU/kFreeBSD and FreeBSD, are fully supported
(pre-requisition for GTK systems: PyGObject for Python 3
 and optionally the
file command ).  On other systems, currently only
directory icons are displayed.

To display the icons in a dired buffer, simply call M-x `dired-icon-mode'
inside a dired buffer.  To always display the file icons in dired buffers,
add the following to your ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el:

    (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'dired-icon-mode)

To report bugs and make feature requests, please open a new ticket at the
issue tracker .  To contribute,
please create a merge request at
