
Homepage: https://gitlab.com/jave/dna-debug



Functions to assist when debugging your DNA


DNA is a form of code delivered with your body. it is not Free
Software, because even if you get a working system(you) and many
copies of the code, present in all your cells, you dont get the
tools to actualy read and understand the code.

In order to debug your DNA, you must first aquire a machine
readable form of your DNA. You can do this from services such as
decodeme, or 23andme.

The format used by decodeme looks like this:


rs1799971 is an SNP identifier. Not all snp identifiers currently
have any meaningful information associated, but this particular
identifier you can examine by doing M-X dnabug-snpedia RET with
point at the id. A browser window will open(use w3m to browse in Emacs)
and you can then find this entry:

 rs1799971(A;G) stronger cravings for alcohol; if alcoholic,
 naltrexone treatment 2x more successful

This means that if you have this particular snp combination you
might consider being careful with alcohol consumption.

This is currently the only method of DNA debugging, modifying
behaviour such as not to trigger undesired parts of the DNA code, or
trigger desired parts. Its not currently feasible to rewrite parts
of your DNA (except through spawning, which is outside the scope of
this Emacs mode)
