
Homepage: https://gitlab.com/jave/dragbox



Draw a bounding box interactively


Draw a bounding box on an image interactively.

Use m-x dragbox-start to try it out, enter a the name of an image
file compatible with SVG, such as jpg or png.

Then mark the upper left corner with the left mouse button.
Mark the lower right corner with the right mouse button.

The bounding box will be drawn as a grey rectangle over the
image. This requires an Emacs compiled with SVG support.

An ocr application of the  bounding box is included,
which will require tesseract, gocr, or ocrad installed.

for instance, select an image region as per above, then do:
   m-x dragbox-ocr-gocr-image-region
if everything works as it should,
the image region should be ocr:ed and the text shown in the
message area. The ocr:ed text will also be put in the kill ring.

Please not that this is only alpha quality, feedback appreciated.

Author: Joakim Verona, (C) FSF 2009, GPL
