
Homepage: http://github.com/redguardtoo/eacl



Auto-complete lines by grepping project


Multiple commands are provided to grep files in the project to get
auto complete candidates.

The keyword to grep is text from the line beginning to current cursor.

Project is *automatically* detected if Git/Mercurial/Subversion is used.
You can override the project root by setting `eacl-project-root',

List of commands,

`eacl-complete-line' completes single line by grepping the project root.
Line candidates are extracted from the files in the project root.
"C-u M-x eacl-complete-line" completes single line from deleted code
if current project is tracked by Git.

`eacl-complete-multiline' completes multiline code or html tag.

`eacl-complete-line-from-buffer' completes single line by searching text
in the buffers.  Set `eacl-ignore-buffers' and `eacl-include-buffers' to specify
ignored&included buffers.

`eacl-complete-line-from-buffer-or-project' completes single line by grepping
the project root when editing a physical file.  Or else, it searches all buffers
for line completion.

Modify `grep-find-ignored-directories' and `grep-find-ignored-files'
to setup directories and files grep should ignore:
  (with-eval-after-load 'grep
     (dolist (v '("node_modules"
       (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-directories v))
     (dolist (v '("*.min.js"
       (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-files v)))

Or you can setup above ignore options in ".dir-locals.el".
The content of ".dir-locals.el":
  ((nil . ((eval . (progn
                     (dolist (v '("node_modules"
                       (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-directories v))
                     (dolist (v '("*.min.js"
                       (add-to-list 'grep-find-ignored-files v)))))))

"git grep" is automatically used for grepping in git repository.
Please note "git grep" does NOT use `grep-find-ignored-directories' OR

The command line program of grep and git need be added into environment variable
"PATH".  Or else you need set `eacl-grep-program' and `eacl-git-program' to
specify their path.

Set `eacl-git-grep-untracked' if untracked files should be git grepped too.
