
Homepage: https://github.com/flexibeast/ebuku



Interface to the buku Web bookmark manager


Ebuku provides a basic interface to the
[buku](https://github.com/jarun/buku) Web bookmark manager.

## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Customisation](#customisation)
- [TODO](#todo)
- [Issues](#issues)
- [License](#license)

## Installation

Install [Ebuku from MELPA](https://melpa.org/#/ebuku), or put the
`ebuku' folder in your load-path and do a `(load "ebuku")'.

## Usage

Create an Ebuku buffer with `M-x ebuku'.

In the `*Ebuku*' buffer, the following bindings are available:

* `s' - Search for a bookmark (`ebuku-search').

* `r' - Show recently-added bookmarks (`ebuku-search-on-recent').

* `*' - Show all bookmarks (`ebuku-show-all').

* `-' - Toggle results limit (`ebuku-toggle-results-limit').

* `g' - Refresh the search results, based on last search (`ebuku-refresh').

* `RET' - Open the bookmark at point in a browser (`ebuku-open-url').

* `n' - Move point to the next bookmark URL (`ebuku-next-bookmark').

* `p' - Move point to the previous bookmark URL (`ebuku-previous-bookmark').

* `a' - Add a new bookmark (`ebuku-add-bookmark').

* `d' - Delete a bookmark (`ebuku-delete-bookmark').  If point is on
  a bookmark, offer to delete that bookmark; otherwise, ask for the
  index of the bookmark to delete.

* `e' - Edit a bookmark (`ebuku-edit-bookmark').  If point is on a
  bookmark, edit that bookmark; otherwise, ask for the index of the
  bookmark to edit.

* `C' - Copy the URL of the bookmark at point to the kill ring

* `T' - Copy the title of the bookmark at point to the kill ring

* `I' - Copy the index of the bookmark at point to the kill ring

* `q' - Quit Ebuku.

Bindings for Evil are available via the
package, in `evil-collection-ebuku.el`.

The index of a bookmark can be displayed in the echo area by moving
the screen pointer over the leading `--' text for the bookmark.

### Completion

Ebuku provides two cache variables for use by completion frameworks
(e.g. Ivy or Helm): `ebuku-bookmarks' and `ebuku-tags', which can
be populated via the `ebuku-update-bookmarks-cache' and
`ebuku-update-tags-cache' functions, respectively.

## Customisation

The `ebuku' customize-group includes variables for:

* the path to the `buku' executable;

* the path to the buku database;

* the number of recently-added bookmarks to show;

* which bookmarks to show on startup;

* the maximum number of bookmarks to show;

* whether to automatically retrieve URL metadata when adding a
  bookmark; and

* the faces used by Ebuku;

* whether to use `sqlite' to refresh the `ebuku-bookmarks' and
  `ebuku-tags' cache variables (requires separate installation of
  `sqlite3' executable).


* One should be able to edit bookmarks directly in the `*Ebuku*'
  buffer, à la `wdired'.  Much of the infrastructure to support this
  is already in place, but there are still important details yet to
  be implemented.

## Issues / bugs

If you discover an issue or bug in Ebuku not already

* as a TODO item, or

* in [the project's "Issues" section on

please create a new issue with as much detail as possible,

* which version of Emacs you're running on which operating system,

* how you installed Ebuku.

## License

[GNU General Public License version
3](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html), or (at your option) any
later version.


Reverse dependencies