
Homepage: https://github.com/sebastiw/edts

Author: Sebastian Weddmark Olsson, Thomas Järvstrand



Erlang Development Tool Suite


The Erlang Development Tool Suite (EDTS) is a package of useful development
tools for working with the Erlang programming language in Emacs. It bundles a
number of useful external packages, together with specialized Erlang plugins for
them, and its own features to create a complete and efficient development
environment that is easy to set up.

Currently EDTS provides:
- A snazzy erlang shell wrapper with syntax highlighting and auto-completion.
- In-buffer flymake-like compilation
- In-buffer xref checks
- Dialyzer integration
- Rudimentary project support
- Code navigation.
- Auto-completion, using auto-complete-mode
- Auto-highlighting, using auto-highlight-mode
- Convenient access to Erlang documentation
- In-buffer running of unit tests
- A usable interface to the erlang debugger

For more information, hit `M-x describe-minor-mode RET edts-mode RET`.
