Homepage: https://github.com/dantecatalfamo/ejson-mode
Author: Dante Catalfamo
Major mode for editing ejson files
Major mode designed for editing ejson files. Will automatocally generate encryption keys if none are present in the file and allows for manual in-buffer encryption and decryption, and optional automatic ejson encryption on save. Location of ejson keystore and binary can be set manually. See https://github.com/Shopify/ejson for more details. Default keybindings C-x C-s Save and encrypt a file, generate a key if necessary C-c C-e Encrypt the saved file (run on save by default) C-c C-d Decrypt the file into the current buffer Variables All can be set through customization group ejson `ejson-binary-location' Manually specify the location of the ejson binary `ejson-keystore-location' Specify an alternate location for the ejson keystore `ejson-encrypt-on-save' Disable automatic encryption on save