
Homepage: http://github.com/pterygota/el-pocket

Author: Tod Davies



Read and write to Pocket (getpocket.com)


Put this file in your load-path somewhere and require it.

Or use the MELPA repository to install it via package-install.

Now do an M-x el-pocket-authorize RET. The first time you do this
you will be directed to the oauth/request page, where you can click
on authorize. After authorizing, you may see a message that makes
it seem like it didn't work (e.g. broken images or redirect
failures). This is because we haven't yet set up proper

Now, return to emacs and do M-x el-pocket-authorize RET again. This
time you should get an access token, and it will be saved to

Once this is done you should be able to use M-x el-pocket-add RET to add URLs.

Reading articles still neeed to be added. Maybe it could be
integrated using the Diffbot's Article Extraction API

Now you can add these lines to your init file for future use:

 (require 'el-pocket)
