
Homepage: https://github.com/emacsorphanage/elisp-depend

Author: Michael Heerdegen



Parse depend libraries of elisp file


Parse depend libraries of elisp file.

This packages is parse current elisp file and get
depend libraries that need.

Default, it will use function `symbol-file' to get
depend file with current symbol.
And then use `featurep' to test this file whether
write `provide' sentences for feature reference.
If `featurep' return t, generate depend information
as "(require 'foo)" format.
If `featurep' return nil, generate depend
as "(autoload 'foo "FooFile")" format.

This packages will always return depend information as `autoload'
format if a feature not write `provide' information in source code.

Below are commands you can use:

`elisp-depend-insert-require'        insert depends code.
`elisp-depend-insert-comment'        insert depends comment.


Put elisp-depend.el to your load-path.
The load-path is usually ~/elisp/.
It's set in your ~/.emacs like this:
(add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp"))

And the following to your ~/.emacs startup file.

(require 'elisp-depend)


Default, if your Emacs is install at "/usr/share/emacs/",
You can ignore below setup.

Otherwise you need setup your Emacs directory with
option `elisp-depend-directory-list', like below:

(setq elisp-depend-directory-list '("YourEmacsDirectory"))
