
Homepage: http://nschum.de/src/emacs/guess-style

Author: Nikolaj Schumacher



Emacs Lisp testing framework


For best visualization, install fringe-helper, which is available at:

Use `deftest' to define a test and `elk-test-group' to define test groups.
`elk-test-run' can run tests by name, and `elk-test-run-buffer' runs them by

Tests can be defined anywhere, but dedicated (.elk) test files are
encouraged.  A major mode for these can be enabled like this:

(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.elk\\'" . elk-test-mode))

Verify your code with  `assert-equal', `assert-eq', `assert-eql',
`assert-nonnil', `assert-t', `assert-nil' and `assert-error'
to verify your code like this:

(deftest "test 1"
  (assert-eql 5 (+ 2 3)))

(deftest "test 2"
  (assert-equal '(x y) (list 'x 'y))
  (assert-eq 'x (car '(x y))))

(deftest "test 3"
  (assert-equal '(x y) (list 'y 'x))) ;; this will fail

You can then run every test in the current buffer with `elk-test-run-buffer',
in a different buffer with `elk-test-run-a-buffer', or individual tests and
test groups with `elk-test-run'.

To jump to failures, use `next-error', or click on the links in the error
buffer.  The optional `elk-test-result-follow-mode' will automatically
display the corresponding failure location.  To enable it by default, use the
following configuration:

(add-hook 'elk-test-result-mode-hook 'elk-test-result-follow-mode)

To bind some keys, add the following to your .emacs:

(define-key elk-test-mode-map (kbd "M-") 'elk-test-run-buffer)
(define-key emacs-lisp-mode-map (kbd "") 'elk-test-run-a-buffer)

To create your own assertions, use `assert-that'.  For example, the following
code defines `assert-eq' using `assert-that':

(defmacro assert-eq (expected actual)
  "Assert that ACTUAL equals EXPECTED, or signal a warning."
  `(assert-that (lambda (actual) (eq ,expected ,actual))
                (lambda (actual)
                  (format "expected <%s>, was <%s>" ,expected ,actual))))
