
Homepage: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DELPS

Author: Jari Aalto



Distributed Emacs Lisp Package System (DELPS)


Preface 2009

     This utility was initially designed to be used from command line:

         # Or run the provided Makefile: "make ui"
         emacs --batch -Q -l /path/to/epackage.el -f epackage-batch-ui-menu

     Emacs has been around for decades now. Many new version have
     come and gone. And yet there are wealth of useful extensions
     available e.g. at  which enhance
     standard Emacs. The typical procedure to add a new extension
     to Emacs has been:

     o   Find an extension at places like
         http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.sources or
     o   Download and save *.el file(s) along `load-path'
     o   Read the installation information. Usually embedded in comments
         at the beginning of *.el file(s).
     o   Modify the Emacs startup file `~/.emacs'
         to arrange loading the extension to one's liking.

     That's quite a bit of work for each extension; reaching
     thousands out there. Not to mention keeping up to date. Many
     Linux distributions offer package managers to download and
     install programs. E.g. Debian has command *apt-get/aptitude*
     [1], Redhat uses *rpm* [2], Suse uses *yast* [3]. So why not
     make one for Emacs as well.

     The DELPS concept has been designed around two ideas: it
     borrows the Debian style package management and it uses
     version control for distributing packages.

     Each Emacs extension is wrapped into a specific format which
     basically follows the Debian [4] packaging style where a
     separate control directory named `epackage/' is used for all
     the packaging details: activation, autoloads and installation
     etc. In addition, each package is imported in and deployed
     using Git Distributed Version Control System (DVCS). A
     specific *Sources* *List* file(s) list the available Git
     repositories from where users can download packages. Once a
     package has been downloaded, subsequent downloads are very
     efficient because, due to benefits of version control, only
     deltas are transferred.

     If you're a Emacs user, all these details do not concern you.
     From `M-x' `epackage' management view you can the packages.
     There are several ways how to install: an *autoload* install
     (no Emacs setup changes), *enable* install (hooks, intractive
     commands), or *activation* install (the activation code can
     change Emacs environment). Later you can upgrade packages. To
     refresh list of packages, ask to "get" new *Sources* *List*
     that holds information about Git repositories.

     If you're a developer who would like to make an extension
     available for others, you need to be familiar with the `Git'
     distributed version control system.

     The epackage system can co-exist with any other packaging
     system like ELPA [4]. User's standard Emacs startup files,
     like `~/.emacs' are not modified with this system.

     [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Packaging_Tool

     [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPM_Package_Manager

     [3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YaST See also

     [4] http://www.debian.org/doc/developers-reference/best-pkging-practices.html#bpp-debian-control

     [5] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ELPA

 Epackage - the DVCS packaging format

     The epackages are in the form of distributed[1] Git[2]
     version control repositories. The traditional packaging
     methods, like ELPA[3], rely on archives like *.tar.gz. In
     contrast, the DVCS approach offers interesting features over
     the traditional archive distribution approach:

     o   Efficient downloads; fast, only deltas are transferred.
     o   Helping package authors made easy; have you found an error?
         Have a spare time to fix it? Generate diff straight from the
         version control repository.
     o   Select any version; pick latest or
         downgrade to a older version with ease.
     o   Contains history of package in one place. No more scattered
         pieces around Internet.
     o   Encourages social collaboration; more easier interacting
         with the upstream e.g. through http://github.com

     Each extension is prepared for distribution as follows: an
     upstream code is imported into a Git repository, the epackage
     system is installed on top of upstream code in a separate
     directory, the whole git repository is made available online
     and information about the availability of new package is
     recorded to a separate *Sources* *List* file. The packaging
     work can be done by anyone who wants to set up a repository.
     It doesn't necesarily need to be done by the original Emacs
     extension author (upstream) who may not be familiar with the
     `Git' distributed version control system. For more
     information about packaging, refer to section "The DELPS

     [1] DVCS = Distributed Version Control System

     [2] http://git-scm.org

     [3] http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ELPA

 User commands

     [IDEA ONLY. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED; Use makefile: "make ui"]

     Command `M-x' `epackage' (LIFE HAPPENED, NEVER GOT
     IMPLEMENTED) is alias for function `epackage-manager'. It
     builds buffer where packages can be browsed, fetched, built
     and installed. The view contains:

         [mode indicators]

         name section status v:VERSION package-description
         1    2       3      4         5

     Mode indicators are:

     o   compile - byte compile package on install phase.
     o   activate|enable - Auto-enable or activate on install phase
         See "status" for more explanation.

     The fields are:

     o   1 - Unique package name. No two package can have the same name.
     o   2 - Package classification. `M-x' `finder-list-keywords'
     o   3 - status: (A)activated (E)nabled (I)installed etc.
     o   4 - Version number. Only known once package has been downloaded.
     o   5 - Short package description

     In this view, some of the commands are (see mode help `C-h' `m'):

     o   _a_, Install activate configuration for package.
         modifies Emacs environment.
     o   _A_, Deactivate. Uninstall activate configuration for package.
     o   b, Generate boot loader.
     o   B, Byte compile boot loader.
     o   _c_, Clean package's configuration files (whole uninstall).
     o   _d_, Download package.
     o   D, run `dired' on package installation directory.
         as for new wish list features, report bugs etc.
     o   g, Get. Update package sources list.
     o   _e_, Enable standard configuration for package.
     o   _E_, Disable standard configuration for package.
     o   l, (l)ist: available, installed, downloaded, enabled,
         activated, autoloaded and not-installed packages.
     o   m, mark package (for command install or remove).
     o   _o_, Install autoload configuration for package.
     o   _r_, Remove; delete package physically from local disk.
     o   s, sort command. Change listing by several criterias.
     o   u, upgrade package to newer version.
     o   U, upgrade all packages
     o   v, view command. E.g (a)activation file, (i)info file.
     o   q, quit. Run `bury-buffer'.
     o   x, execute marked (install, purge, remove).


     o   edit package's *info* file.
     o   email upstream to report a bug in the extension.
     o   email epackage maintainer to report a packaging bug.
         You can e.g. send a requests to update contents of the
         'info' file as needed.

     Building the initial list of available packages takes some
     time at startup. The package state is shown with following
     status indicators:

     o   *(A)ctivated*. The package has been downloaded and code to
         immediately activate the package is in use. This setting
         changes user's Emacs environment as defined by the
         packager. The changes typically include modifying hooks to
         activate the package e.g. by file extension, adding key
         bindings to access new commands etc. You might want to
         use (v)iew command to see what exactly happens.
     o   *(E)enabled*. One step down from Activated state. Interactive
         functions and variables are provided in latent `autoload'
         state for user to call with `M-x' . User
         configuration is not modified in any way. Some basic
         setup changes like modifying `auto-mode-alist' to activate
         modes for certain new file extensions may be provided.
     o   *(a)utoloaded*. The package has been downloaded and code to
         to provide autoloads to access package functions as been
         installed. User can call features with `M-x' .
         If you want full
         control over package setup, set package to autoload state
         and use `~/.emacs' Emacs startup file  to fully configure
         the extension.
     o   *(D)ownloaded*. Package has been fetched to local disk,
         but that is all. No setup whatsoever. Useful for complete
         control and DIY setups.
     o   (u)unmaintained. The package has been flagged as unmaintained.
     o   (b)uggy. The package has been flagged to have problems if used.
     o   (c)ompiled. Package has been byte compiled.
     o   (e)macs core. Package has been included in core Emacs.
     o   (x)emacs core. Package has been already included in core XEmacs.

 About Configuration

    Private repositories

     Private installed package repositories, or other sources, can
     be defined in variable `epackage--sources-file-list'. The
     list of files included in there will be combined variable
     with `epackage--url-sources-list'. The order of the entries
     matter: the packages are read first-served basis. An example:

         (setq epackage--sources-file-list  ;; This is the default

     Say the *epackage-local.lst* lists package =foo= and file
     pointed by `epackage--url-sources-list' also contains package
     =foo=. Because the files will be combined,
     *epackage-local.lst* will take precedence; its package =foo=
     will be used for download. Run `M-x'
     `epackage-sources-list-build' after any changes either to this
     variable or contents of the files it points to.

    Automatic install of packages

     The basic operation mode is to do one action at a time to give
     user a full control. In daily use it may be desireable to byte
     compile package after they have been downloaded. For that, use:

         (require 'epackage)
         (add-to-list 'epackage--download-action-list 'compile)

 The DELPS framework

     Quick links for developers:

     o   https://github.com/jaalto/project--emacs-epackage-sources-list
     o   https://github.com/jaalto/project--emacs-epackage-template

     The DELPS system was inspired by the Debian packaging
     management. There are two primary actors: (1) the epackage
     maintainer and (2) the upstream. These two can be the
     same person or two separate persons. In the picture below:

     o   _A_ = An Emacs user who wants to install new software
     o   (Y)ellow pages = The sources list file that contains
         information about available epackages around the globe.
     o   _E_ = The epackage. Maintained by a person who has found an
         interesting utility and wrapped it in epackage format. He
         is the maintainer of epackaged software. He keeps
         track of new releases and makes new epackages periodically
         available. If the initial packager looses interest,
         someone else can continue his work. He supplies the *URL*
         to the yellow pages to notify about availability of epackage.
     o   _U_ = Upstream. Person or team who wrote Emacs Lisp extension,
         the code or utility than enhances Emacs.

     In order to find a package, the yellow pages is consulted. It
     is seeded and updated by the epackage maintainer that wish to
     make his work available. The user A does not need to know any
     details of this process; like in Debian, he installs an
     epackage and periodically asks for upgrades.

     o   The location of Yellow Pages is fixed (%).
     o   The location of E's (epackage maintainer) and U's (upstream)
         can be anywhere (*).
     o   The E and U can be the same person (the upstream).

                     %               *               *
         A           Y               E               U
         |           |               | keep eye on   |
         |  fetch    |               * ------------> |
         * --------> |               | <-----------  |
         | <-------- *               | epackage new  |
         |  upgrade  | add epackage  | releases      |
         |           | location      |               |
         |           | <------------ *               |
         |           |   (url)       |               |
         |                           |               |
         |    install "X"            |               |
         * ------------------------> |               |
         | <------------------------ |               |
         |   DVCS repo download      |               |
         |                           |               |
         |    upgrade "X"            |               |
         * ------------------------> |               |
         | <------------------------ *               |
         |   download DVCS "delta"   |               |
         |                           |               |
         |  report epackage bug      |               |
         * ------------------------> |               |
         |  report program bug       |               |
         * ----------------------------------------> |
         |                           |               |

 Local directory layout

     The packages are installed under root `epackage--root-directory',
     which defaults to `~/.emacs.d' respectively. The components below
     the root directory are organized as follows:

         epackage/               Under epackage--root-directory
         +-- 00coonf/
         |   epackage-loader.el     For user. One big boot file.
         |   epackage-load-path.el  Internal. Used during byte-compile.
         |   sources.lst            Internal. Package sources.
         +-- 10install/         Extension "install" files
         |   *-.el        autoloads, install, activate...
         +--packages/           Git DVCS repositories
            +-- 00sources/      Yellow pages: list of available packages
            +-- package/        Downloaded PACKAGE
            +-- ...

 Epackage specification

     The Git repository branches used are:

     o   *master*, required. The published package.
         Branched off from *upstream*. Adds directory
         `epackage/' where the packaging information resides.
     o   *patches*, optional. Patches to *upstream* code, if any.
         This branch is merged to *master*.
     o   *upstream*, required. The original unmodified upstream code.
         Releases are tagged with label
         "upstream/YYYY-MM-DD[--VERSION]". An
         example: `upstream/2009-12-31--0.3-devel'.
         The YYYY-MM-DD is the date of upstream release or best
         guess like if only year is known, use YYYY-01-01. The
         options part "--VERSION" is the official version of
         extension; if known. Not all extensions include version
         information. The ISO 8601 date is needed so that the
         release date is immediately available e.g. for post
         processing and so that the tags sort nicely by date.

     The same in pictures. The `master' contains merges from
     `patches' and `upstream' branches:

         patches        o - o (modifications; merged to master)
         upstream    * ---- o
                      \      \ (merge)
         master        o ---- o - =>         contains epackage/ directory

     The packaging method borrows concept from Debian where a
     separate control directory is used for packaging information.
     The control directory name `epackage/' is not configurable.
     The layout of an epackaged Emacs extension looks like following:

         +- .git/                       Version control branches
         +-- epackage/
             info                       required: The information file
             lisp                       optional: Location of Emacs Lisp files
             ignore                     optional: regexp to ignore Emacs Lisp files
             PACKAGE-epackage-0loaddefs.el  optional: extracted ###autoload statements
             PACKAGE-epackage-autoloads.el  optional: autoload statements (manual)
             PACKAGE-epackage-clean.el      optional: Code to run "make clean" equivalent
             PACKAGE-epackage-compile.el    optional: Code to byte compile the extension
             PACKAGE-epackage-configure.el  optional: Code to run ./configure
             PACKAGE-epackage-examples.el   optional: Customization examples
             PACKAGE-epackage-install.el    required: Code to make the extension available. Not required fo lib-* packages.
             PACKAGE-epackage-uninstall.el  optional: Code to remove the extension
             PACKAGE-epackage-xactivate.el  optional: Code to activate the extension

     All these configuration files are combined in a single loader
     file. Loading a single file is faster than spending time in
     loading small file along `load-path'. The alphabetic order
     makes it possible to combine the install parts safely

             ls |
             egrep -vi '00|clean|compile|configure|examples|uninstall' |
             xargs cat > PACKAGE-00-loader.el

    The *-0loaddefs.el

     This file contains extracted `###autoload' definitions. The file
     is usually automatically generated. The file does not modify
     user's environment. If extension does not contains any
     `###autoload' definitions, the manually crafted `*-install.el'
     file can be used as a substitute. In case of missing
     `##autoload' stanzas, you're encouraged to contact upstream
     with a possible patch. The "zero" at the start of the name is
     to help proper sorting ordering of files. Mnemonic: "if you
     load this file, you can start calling extension's features".
     The file ends in:

         (provide 'PACKAGE-epackage-0loaddefs)

    The *-autoloads.el

     This file contains manually written `autoload' statements.
     This file acts as a backup if there is no `###autoload'
     definitions. Its purpose it to publish prospective functions
     (interactive or not) that might be called from programs or by
     the user. Mnemonic: "if you load this file, you can write lisp
     code to call the functions, or you can call extension's
     interactive functions via `M-x'". The file ends in:

         (provide 'PACKAGE-epackage-autoloads)

    The *-clean.el

     This file contains command(s) to remove files that can be
     generated. This file is very rarely neeed. It may be useful with
     bigger packages that come with a `Makefile' or `./configure'
     script. Mnemonic: "Same as if you would run 'make clean'".
     Exception: the byte compiled files do not need deleting. They are
     deleted prior calling this file.

    The *-compile.el

     This file contains commands to byte compile the extension. The
     file is run at the root directory of the extension with
     `load-path' set to include all the relevant directories.
     Evaluating the file must byte compile all that is needed.
     Possible variables and functions defined here must have
     `PACKAGE-epackage-*' prefix to keep the Emacs name space clean.
     *Exception:* packages that only have a single "*.el" file do
     not need to define this file. There is no `provide' statement
     in this file. An example for a simple extension consisting of
     two files:

         (dolist (file '("foo-lib.el" "foo.el"))
           (byte-compile-file file))

    The *-configure.el

     This file contains command to configure the extension's build
     system. This file is very rarely neeed. It may be useful with
     bigger packages that come with a `Makefile' or `./configure'
     script. Mnemonic: "Same as if you would invoke ./configure".
     This file is only necessary if the *.el files cannot be used
     "as is" to install the package. The `./configure' may e.g.
     write loaddefs or autoloads or assemble package in a way that
     produces an installable extension.

    The *-examples.el

     This file contains anything the upstream may have explained in
     the comments, or interesting snippets various users have found
     useful to customize the extension. It provides a showcase, or
     scratch book, to present anything that might be useful to be
     put into `~/.emacs' startup file. Mnemonic: "Look examples in
     this file for ideas how to make more out of the extension".

     This file is not intended to be loadable and it must not
     contain any `provide' statements. All functions and private
     variables written must start with prefix `my-PACKAGE-* so
     that they can be easily be copied to user's own setup.

     It is recommend that any attempt to load this file generates
     an error. Add something like this to the beginning of file to
     remind that it is user's responsibility to copy the relevant

         ;; Prevent loading this file. Study the examples.
         (error "PACKAGE-epackage-examples.el is not a config file")

    The *-install.el (required; unless package name is lib-*)

     This file publishes user variables and interactive `M-x'
     functions in *autoload* state. It may make conservative
     changes to Emacs environment: those of modifying
     `auto-mode-alist' or setting up hooks. The *-install* in name
     refers to standard installation, or availability for that
     matter, of interactive functions. *Note:* try to avoid
     `require' or `load' commands as much as possible. That helps
     keeping Emacs startup fast and lean. Mnemonic: "if you load
     this file, the extension is up and ready to be used in your
     Emacs. You can start calling extension's functions or load new
     files that activate the extension's features". The file ends

         (provide 'PACKAGE-epackage-install)

     Note: If package name starts with =lib-=, this file is not
     required. Libraries that are used for building other extensions
     are not requied to provide any install files. The autoloads
     publish available functions.

     Note: If the upsream has arranged to "###autoload" proper
     variables and functions, there is already loaddefs file which
     you can take advantage of. The loaddefs file is always
     preloaded during boot. In simplest case, if there is nothing
     more to install that providing callable M-x functions (no hook
     setu up etc.), the content of the file would be:

         (require 'PACKAGE-epackage-0loaddefs)
         (provide 'PACKAGE-epackage-install)

    The *-uninstall.el

     This file does the opposite of `*-install.el' and
     `*-activate.el' It runs commands to remove the extension as if
     it has never been loaded. Due to the nature of Emacs, it is
     not really practical to completely try to uninstall the
     package. The actual symbols (defined functions and variables)
     are not removed. The uninstallation usually covers undoing
     changes to *-hook, *-function and `auto-mode-alist' and to
     similar variables. To shake free from extension completely,
     restart Emacs after uninstall a epackage. The file ends in:

         (provide 'PACKAGE-epackage-uninstall)

    The *-xactivate.el

     This file does the same as *-install.el, but it can do more.
     Instead of being conservative, it can modify current
     environment by adding more custom functions to hooks or
     arrange key bindings so that when pressed, a feature is loaded
     and activated. It may also loop through `buffer-list' to
     activate features in existing buffers immediately. It is best
     that any custom settings, like variables and prefix keys, are
     defined in `~/.emacs' *before* this file gets loaded. As with
     `*-install.el', try to avoid any `require' or `load' commands
     and stick to `autoload'. To keep Emacs namespace clean, name
     all custom variables or functions as `PACKAGE-epackage-*'.
     Mnemonic: "If you load this file, the bells and whistles are
     turned on". The "x" at the start of the name is to help proper
     sorting ordering of configuration files. The file layoyt:

         ;; Description:


         (provide 'PACKAGE-ekg-xactivate)

 The 'ignore' file

     List of Emacs regular expression entries on their own lines to
     ignore files in upstream package. The epackage-devel-*
     functions examine the packaging structure and can create files
     like `*-0autoloads.el'. If this file exists, it is read and
     files matches are ignored. The regexp(s) matches path relative
     to the package root directory. An example:

         ;; Comments on their own lines start with a semicolon

 The 'format' file

     Type of Git repository. The type is indicated in the first line
     of the file. Valid value in this file is "upstream".

     This file is used to mark repositories of different origin. In
     a normal case, where a packager downloads code, creates Git
     repository, add `/epackage', and puts it available -- the
     *format* file is not needed. But if upstream and packager is
     the same person and would like to use same repository for both
     the development and epackage distribution, the layout must be
     indicated separately because of branch differences.

     The standard Epackage has following Git branches. Branch that
     is used for distribution (contains epackage/ directory) is
     marked wit asterisk:

         * master        REQUIRED
           upstream      REQUIRED
           [patches]     OPTIONAL

     Compared to upstream development, there may be only on branch:

         * master

     The "master" is effectively the latest development which may
     not be best for direct distribution. Many divide development
     into separate lines:

         * master        (when "devel" is stable, it is merged here)

     If you compare to the Epackage layout, the upstream is missing
     required branch "upstream". This `format' file is there to
     notify that in this repository the "upstream" branch is
     expected to be missing. It also notifies that in this
     repository the tag names do not have =upstream/= prefix.

 The 'lisp' file

     This file contains Emacs Lisp file directories relative to the
     root of package. Empty lines and standalone comments on their
     own lines starting with semicolon(;) are ignored. Comments
     must not be placed at the directory lines. If all the Emacs
     Lisp files are in the package's root directory, this file not
     needed. The file is used internally to find out if the package
     has been byte compiled or not.

 The 'info' file

     A RFC 2822 (email) formatted file, which contains information
     about the extension. The header field names are not case
     insensitive; but if you use the default *get.sh*, it expects
     the Vcs-* field to be case-sensitive. Continued lines must be
     indented with only 1 space. Required fields are marked with
     asterisk (*). In the long description part, new paragraphs are
     separated by a single dot(.) character on their own line. The
     layout of the `info' somewhat mirrors concepts of `control' file in
     Debian packaging system which is explained in

         *Depends: emacs (>= 23)
         Status: [  ...]
         Compat: [  ]
         *Maintainer: First Last 
         Bugs: [ URL ]
         *Upstream: First Last 
         Upstream-Bugs: [ URL ]
         Wiki: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/
         X--: [anything]

     An example:

         Package: test-package
         Section: extensions
         License: GPL-2+
         Depends: emacs (>= 23)
         Status: unmaintained
         Maintainer: Joe Average 
         Upstream: John doe 
         Vcs-Type: http
         Vcs-Url: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/test-package.el
         Homepage: http://example.com
         Wiki: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TheTestPackage
         Commentary: test-package.el
         Info: doc/test-package.info
          YYYY-MM-DD upstream email confirmad.
         Description: test package with various functions
          Main command [C-u] M-x test-package runs various tests on
          the current lisp code. With a prefix argument, shows also
          notes and minor details.
          Note: 2010-12-03 the code hasn't been updated since 2004.

 Details of the info file fields

     Notes: Use one space to indent a continued field. Limit
     maximum line length to 80 characters. In Emacs, see variable
     `fill-column' and set it to a little less, like 75. The *info*
     file must be saved as UTF-8 in case it contains non-ASCII


     Value of archive repository where package is also available.
     The known values are "ELPA/GNU" ,
     "ELPA/Marmalade" , "MELPA"
     , and being phased out original
     "ELPA" . The purpose of
     this field is to list other package repositories where this
     package is available via some package manager. It is not used
     for "dumb archives" like  although
     it technically could be accessed with el-get.el; which is not
     a package manager in itself but only a download script.


     URL to report epackaging issues of current extension. The URL can
     be an email address or a link to an issue tracker. In case the
     field is empty or missing, the `Maintainer' field is used.
     Epackaging issues that are candidate for reporting: request to
     update to the newest upstream release, suggestions for updating
     *Description* or other fields, broken URLs in the *Description*
     or other fields etc.

     See *Upstream-Bugs* or *Upstream* for reporting Emacs extension
     usage problems.


     This field contains a path, relative to epackage root
     directory, to a single Emacs Lisp file which contains
     documentation suitable for `M-x' `finder-commentary'. In order
     to find documentation, this field must exist even for
     packages that contain single Emacs Lisp file. Extension
     developers should study core Emacs *lisp-mnt.el* and function
     `lm-commentary'. The documentation read from file is enclosed
     in between tags:

         ;;; Commentary:

         ;;; Change Log:


     The compatibility level used in the package. The format may
     change in time and this field indicates which layout was used. If
     the value is missing or is empty, the latest is assumed. Usually
     an epackage maintainer should follow the latest format to prevent
     installation problems. See section "Epackage Compatibility
     Levels" for more information.

     Note: yhis field should be left empty. It is part of the
     specification, but hopefully never needed.


     List of packages that must be removed before install can be
     done. This field follows the guidelines of

    Description (required)

     The first line of this field is a concise description that
     fits on maximum line length of 80 characters; word
     "Description: " included. The long description should explain
     the essential M-x commands to use the package. The details of
     the extension are explained in the following paragraphs which
     are separated from each other with a single dot(.) on their
     own lines. The paragraphs are indented by one space.


     o   For modes, start short description with
         "major mode for ..." or "minor mode for..."
     o   For libraries, start short description with
         "library of ..."
     o   For client communication, start short description with
         "client for ..."
     o   If extension is related to a specific operating system,
         add this information in to the first line. E.g. add word
         "Cygwin" or "(ms)" to mark "Microsoft" OS. The details of
         Operating system integration can be explained in the long
         description part.
     o   Don't use word "Emacs" on the first line. It's redundant.


         Package: cygwin-mount
         Description: Add Cygwin mount point support (ms)

         Package: lib-xml-rpm
         Description: library of remote procedure calls over HTTP

    Depends (required)

     List of dependencies in all lowercase: Emacs flavor and
     external packages required. Listing packages that are included
     in core Emacs would be unnecessary and slow down parsing. The
     Emacs flavor can have an optional version information enclosed
     in parenthesis using comparison operators ">=", "<=" and
     logical "!". A between range is not defined. The logical *or*
     operator works only between Emacs flavors and is indicated
     with vertical bar "|".

     In case an extension works only in imited versions of Emacs,
     this information should be written to the end of `Description'
     (which see). Old packages that are not updated to work for
     latest Emacs releases are candidate for removal from the
     official Epackage Sources List. Examples:

         Depends: foo
         Depends: emacs (>= 23) | xemacs (>= 20), foo

     To mark that package does not work in XEmacs, use "!". The
     version parameter is ignored with logical *not* but
     the parenthesis are still required:

         Depends: emacs (>= 23), xemacs (!), foo

     _Limitations_: The *vertical* *bar*, OR-operator(|), is not
     really used. It is only respected on the Emacs flavor part.
     Using OR-operator anywhere else causes treating the elments as
     if written "exension | extension" => "extension, extension".

     The *version* *information* is a no-op anewhere else than
     Emacs flavor check. This kind of fine grained package
     dependencies has never been in use with Emacs Lisp extensions.
     There is no support for version numbers in Emacs Lisp commands
     `provide', `require', `load', `load-file' and `load-library'.
     Extensions typically check the available features with
     `boundp' and `fboundp' to see if they have the required
     environment. So don't write:

         Depends: emacs (>= 23), xemacs (!), foo (>= 0.9)
                                Ignored. Has no effect

     See also section "Development notes: depends".


     URL to the project's homepage. Examples include
     http://www.sourceforge.com, http://launchpad.net,
     http://github.com, http://bitbucket.com etc.
     management; only links.

     Resist using volatile homepage URLs that may change. Encourage
     garage upstream developers to set up their software at some
     project hosting site which would encourage collaboration and provide
     infrastructure e.g. for issue tracking. For more information, see


     location of info files relative to the package root directory.
     Wildcard `*' can be used in case of mult-part info files. An

         Info: doc/*.info


     The valid License abbreviations must follow official Linux
     foundations list . A special word "None"
     should be used if the software has no license information in any of
     the source files. Examples of valid license tokens:

         GPL-2, GPL-2+, GPL-3, GPL-3+, MIT, BSD-2-clause, Apache-2.0

     If License is not any of the OSI known standard licenses
     , or if it contains
     additional text to an existing licence, it must be labelled
     "Custom". See field *License-Text*.

     In case the software is dual licenced, or there is different
     license for documentation, it would be good to explain these
     in additial extra field:

         X-License-Comment: code GPL-2+, documentation GFDL


     In case "License: Custom" the full license text should be
     included here. In case the License is known to The Linux
     Foundation SPDX database, URL to that database is enough. Do not
     point to any other web page, as these may be changed, removed or
     updated without a notice. An example:

         License: Custom
         License-Text: http://spdx.org/licenses/Ruby
         X-License-Comment: Ruby license is dual: GPL or custom text

    Maintainer (required)

     The epackage maintainer. Contains the name and address of the
     person who maintains ad hosts the epackage Git repository. If the
     upstream is also the epackage maintainer, the content of this
     field is identical to *Upstream* field.

    Package (required)

     The name of the package in all lowercase satisfying regexp
     "[a-z][a-z0-9-]+". Usually base name of the extension file or
     the canonical known name in case of bigger packages like
     "gnus". An example "html-helper-mode.el" => package name is
     "html-helper-mode". No two packages can have the same name.
     Please notify upstream if about package name problems.


     o   Length of package name is not limited.
     o   Add `*-mode', In case of minor or major modes. Always
         add this suffix even if extension name does not
         explicitly say so. An example "python.el" => name package
         "python-mode". This helps searching for mode package.
     o   If extension is a library (e.g. xml-rpc.el), start
         package name with `lib-*'. This way user
         who is browsing the list of packages can ignore or complete
         these on minibuffer prompts easily.

     Note: There may be exotically named extensions like "crypt++",
     but the *epackage* name must not contains special characters.
     In package name, spell out the used letters: "crypt-plusplus".
     Consider contacting upstream to discuss about possible name


     List of packages which the extension can support or take
     advantage of. E.g. this field would list package B if A can
     take advantage of package B. However it is not a requirement
     to install B for package A to work. This field is must *not*
     be used to announce related packages. That information can be
     mentioned in a separarate paragraph like "SEE ALSO" in the end
     of *Description* field or in file `*-examples.el'. The
     *Recommends* field follows guidelines of

    Section (required)

     This field contains category keyword. The valid keywords are
     those listed in `M-x' `finder-list-keywords'.


     This field lists succinct information about the package. Each
     keyword has a unique meaning. The allowed list is:

         keyword := core-emacs[-NN.N]
                    | core-xemacs[-NN.N]
                    | unmaintained
                    | broken
                    | unsafe
                    | stable
                    | unstable
                    | experimental
                    | obsolete

     The `core-*' values mark the extension or its features being
     included (or will be) in the mentioned [X]Emacs. The optional
     NN.N announces in which Emacs flavor the feature was included;
     e.g. *core-emacs-22.1*.

     Value `unmaintained' means that the original developer has
     vanished or abandoned the project and is no longer available
     for contacting or further development.

     Value `unsafe' means that the not all the symbols are name
     space clean (prefix-*); meaning that some of the commands
     might clash with existing function in Emacs.

     The current release status of epackage can be indicated with
     terms `stable' (no active upstream developed recently),
     `unstable' (upstream is active developing) or `experimental'
     (no guarantees, not necessarily tested, this is the latest
     code). Value `broken' means that there are known problems,
     limitations or that the package may not work in some Emacs
     version. Further information about "brokenness" should be
     supplied in the end of *Description:* field in section "BUGS"
     or similar.

     Value `obsolete' means that the functionality can be found in
     recent Emacs. Obsolete packages are candidate for removal
     at some point. It would be good idea to mention Emacs version
     and feature where this is available in a paragraph at the end
     of *Description:* field section "NOTE" or similar.


     The upstream developer's name and email address. Multiple
     developers or alternative addresses are separated by commas,
     just like in email. The role can be expressed in RFC 2822
     comment-parenthesis. An example:

         Upstream: John Doe (Author) ,
          Joe Average (Co-developer) 

     Note: Don't just copy the addresses from source code. It is of no
     use for anybody if the address is no longer valid. Contact
     upstream to verify the address before making epackage available:

         To: upstream@example.com
         Subject: Emacs package.el

         Your software is bundled with the Distributed Emacs Lisp
         Package System called epackage. Would you verify that this
         address is still your preferred contact. Simply reply
         shortly "ok" or let me know if you prefer to use another

         John Doe


     URL to report issues of current extension. The URL can be an
     email address(es) or a link to an issue tracker. In case the field
     is empty or missing, the `Upstream' field is used.


     The URL address to the version control browser of the upstream
     repository. This field follows the guidelines of


     Version Control System type information of *Vcs-Browser*. The
     value is the lowercase name of a version control program; cvs,
     svn, bzr, hg, git etc. A special value "http" can be used to
     signify direct HTTP download. This field follows the guidelines of
     An example of an Emacs extension hosted directly at a web

         Vcs-Type: http
         Vcs-Url: http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/vline.el

     If `Vcs-Type' is *http*, this argument can be list of URLs separated
     by whitespace. And example to span multple lines:

         Vcs-Type: http
         Vcs-Url: http://example.com/file1.el


     The Version Control System repository URL without any options.
     For CVS, this is the value of `CVSROOT' which contains the
     protocol name. This field follows the guidelines of
     An example:

         Vcs-Type: cvs
         Vcs-Url: :pserver:anonymous@example.com/reository/foo


     Additional arguments passed to VCS program after specifying
     the *Vcs-Url* E.g. CVS directories may need a specific module
     to check out. A setup like below would yield command: "cvs -d
      co -d upstream "

         Vcs-Type: cvs
         Vcs-Url: :pserver:anonymous@example.com/reository/foo
         Vcs-Args: module


     Login name used to access VCS repository. In case the
     repository cannot be accessed simply by visiting the `Vcs-Url'
     (or in the case of CVS: pressing RETURN at login prompt), this
     is the used login name; typically `anonymous' or the like.


     Password for the Version Control System repository. In some
     extremely rare cases a generic password, like "guest" to
     access repository, may be needed.


     This field points to extension page (or page that talks about
     it) at . If the extension does not
     yet have a Emacswiki page, encourage upstream to create one.


     Any other custom fields can be inserted by using the `X-*' field
     notation. Examples:

         X-Comment: This is a comment.
         X-Upstream-Homepage: URL
         X-Development: YYYY-MM-DD upstream email confirmed

     If converting extension to a epackage needs special treatment,
     please document those in field like:

              Before BBDB can be used, the autoloads file must be generated.
              Run command:
                 ./configure && make autoloads
              And it will generate file lisp/bbdb-autoloads.el

Epackage compatibility levels

     The latest epackage format is always described in section
     "Epackage specification" above. Below you can find list of
     formats and changes.

     o   2011-12-03 Draft spec. Compatibility level 1.

Batch command line interface

     Several FUNCTIONS can be accessed from command line in a
     manner of:

         emacs --batch -Q -l /path/to/epackage.el -f FUNCTION

     The functions and their command line arguments are:

         ;; Interactive, menu driven

         epackage-batch-upgrade-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-download-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-remove-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-clean-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-activate-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-deactivate-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-enable-package PACKAGE ...
         epackage-batch-disable-package PACKAGE ...

         ;; This command upgrades the sources list

Development notes


     This extension was written in Emacs 23, but it may work in
     Emacs 22 (2007) although that has not been tested. No support
     for older Emacs versions is on the chart. Real life, daily
     work and my own other Open Source projects take their share. I
     have to regret that I will not be having resources to port or
     support this utility to XEmacs. Please send patches if you
     take the code to ride in XEmacs. Fortunately XEmacs already
     includes its own package manager: see the `pui-*' commands.


     The *OR-operator(|)*, is not really implemented. The packages
     "emacs" and "xemacs" are treated specifically and the effect
     of "|" is actually the same as if it were written with comma:

         Depends: emacs (>= 23) | xemacs (> 21.3)
         Depends: emacs (>= 23), xemacs (> 21.3)

     Writing an algorithm for package depends clause that would
     understand variety of operations (>=, <=, !, |) is
     challenging. Take for examples the Debian package depends
     guidelines described at
     which was the source of inspiration for the used syntax. The
     Debian packaging system is centralized, so it has the
     knowledge about all the available packages and their version
     numbers. In Debian, the commands can build the full
     dependency list and check if install is even possible. In
     contrast, the epackage sources list refers to distributed
     locations. The available versions or further depends
     information can only be determined only after the package has
     been downloaded by reading the "Depends:" field. Because of
     this, the distributed system:

     o   Cannot know beforehand what epackages would be required for X
     o   Cannot know beforehand if it is possible to to even install
         package fully to satisfy all depends.
     o   Cannot ask to install a specific version because the
         version information is only available *after* the package
         has been downloaded. The version information is in the
         Git tags.
     o   Cannot easily know en masse to which packages updates
         would be available. Because there is no central place to
         read, each repository needs to be probed separately
         to determine updates. This causes slight network perfomance
         wear if done frequently (multiple times a day).

     In daily use these issues don't matter much. If package X
     requires Y, the Y will be downloaded. If Y further requires Z,
     the Z will be downloaded etc. Somewhere at the end of chain
     the download will stop. It is just that no progress indicator
     can be presented to tell how many more packages there is to
     load. This is no issue actually as most of the Emacs Lisp
     extensions are self standing and have no external
     dependencies; in contrast to Linux packages that may have huge
     number of library dependencies.


     NOTE: upstream should use standard Emacs package `inversion.el'
     which provides means to ensure that a specific library version
     is required.

     Regarding the requirement for a specific version of the package
     in form of:

         Depends: foo (>= 0.9)
                      No-op. Will not be used.

     Emacs extensions have never had any Perl like "use PACKAGE
     VERSION" statements, thus there is not much point of
     implementing this the `epackage.el'. The syntax is there in
     case somewhere in the future Emacs modifies the `require' and
     relevant `load' calls to accept optional version argument. For
     now, as it has always been, the extension developers ensure
     that the extensions work together with the help of tests like
     `boundp', `fboundp' and `featurep'. If an extension breaks due
     to change in some other extension, it is best to notify the
     original developer and get the code updated. Compatibility
     problems between extensions are usually temporary. In case the
     upstream developer is no longer there to to fix things, the
     extension is best to be removed from list of packages. Or, if
     you have the time and skills, you can start maintaining an old
     extension to bring it new life and becoming the new upstream.

    Depends and removing packages

     The depends system was added to *ease* *installing* of
     packages. But we can't have one without touching the other
     issues: what if package is removed? Say package A requires
     both B and C. Currently user has total control and can remove
     package C and make A non-working. Nothing prevents removing or
     disabling packages as one wishes. In order to do the removals
     in a safe fashion, the dependency graphs of all packages would
     need to be collected and maintained.

     Currently there are no removal dependecy checks of any kind.


     Why is there no "Version:" field in the `info' file that could
     be used to show the extension version to the user? The Git
     repository is supposed to have tags for all upstream versions
     of the package. It would be duplicate and manual work to keep
     the `info::Version' field in synch with the tags of Git
     repository. The version numbers are in fact immaterial and
     unnecessary: nice to know, but in daily use, not much used.
     User isn't downloading some specific version of extension, but
     upgrading his packages to the latest versions. In Epackage, an
     upgrade updates full Git repository, thus bringing all
     possible versions of the extension available; of these, the
     latest is always activated.

     To select an old version, user must work on the Git
     repositories manually. There are no plans to support selecting
     previous versions because that would bring instability to the
     whole system. Imagine this: A depends on B, but user selects
     specific version of B - which is older one and won't work with
     other packages. Multiply this problem with N versions of
     several extensions. Summary: it's best to stick with the
     latest and send bug reports from latest versions to upstream.


     [entries sorted by priority]


     o   Sources List: We have a Download problem, like broken link to
         => Display to user that he should consider sending and error
         report mail the Sources List maintainer

     o   Lint: if upstream is also the packager, then his repository
         should not have "upstream" branch. There is no need.

     o   Boot: What if user manually deletes directories?
         What to do with left over config files? Implement self healing.
         Check on boot?

     o   Sources List: If package is no longer there, but has been
         downloaded, the package may have been removed. Notify user about
         obsolete package. Package may also have been renamed. What do
         we do then?

     o   [already implemented?] After download. Trying to install or
         activate package, check emacs compatibility and refuse to
         install if not met.


     o   Someone recreated repo: git push --force. It can no longer
         be pulled => recreate from scratch. Problem: User has made his
         local modifications, how to check?
         Maintainer kills the repo and re-instantiates it
         from fresh? Symptoms: can't pull, because repos have diverged and
         do not have common objects. SOLUTION: offer deleting repo and
         downloading it again. Warn if there are any local modifications,
         the user might want to have a backup (*.b). Can we do that? What
         if a backup already exists?

     o   Check validity of "git tag -l" and upstream/* against the
         specification. Two dashes etc.

     o   Better Fetch, pull conflict notifications. Now a Git error.

     o   Git tags (versions of packages), where is this information kept?
         Cache? Affects GUI.

     o   New updates available? Git polling mechanism with idle timers?
         Auto upgrade?


     o   Write M-x epackage-manager (the real interface).

     o   Cache. Build it dynamically from packages and
         combine with package information (e.g. version).

     o   If user selects DETAIL view, collect
         information to another buffer dynamically (info, git tags,
         current git branch)

     o   Rescan current information? (what is installed, what is not)
         => Keep cache? Or regenerate, or scan at startup every time?
         Idle timers?


     o   Big packages that come with configure? What to do with them?

     Further ideas

     o   Do something for *.texinfo files in big packages.

     o   Verify Compatibility Level of a downloaded epackage

     o   Handle Conflicts field

     o   Edit yellow pages catalog?
         => Submit/update yellow pages catalog changes?
         => version controlled, patches? Submit via email? Github Gist?

     o   The epackage/*-compile.el is run with `eval-current-buffer'.
         Security considerations? Should we care?
         These are Git repositories and maintainers should be trusted
         => possible solution: require detached GPG signing of *-compile.el
         => Too much hassle for developers?

     o   Package removal: present some analysis command to show what
         would happen if package X would be removed. Are other packages
         depending on X or can it be removed safely?
