Homepage: http://www.splode.com/~friedman/software/emacs-lisp
Author: Noah Friedman
Emacs window session manager
To install, put this file in your load-path, byte-compile it, and add the following to your .emacs: (load "escreen") (escreen-install) Inspired by: * wicos.el, written by Heikki Suopanki* `screen', written by Oliver Laumann, Juergen Weigert, and Michael Schroeder. Todo: * make escreen-menu display list of screens for all frames * ability to lock window configurations against change or deletion * ability to renumber screens * symbolic names for screens (a la wicos.el); partly started * switching active screen from pull-down menu from menubar * switching active screen from escreen menu * persistance of screens across instances of emacs [look at johnw's work on this; depends on additional non-standard packages but perhaps those parts can be reimplemented inline.]