Homepage: https://github.com/sje30/essgd
Author: Stephen Eglen
Show R plots from ESS within a buffer
This uses the httpgd package in R to display R plots within an Emacs buffer. Prerequisites R: You will need to install httpgd from CRAN. Emacs: This code has been tested on Emacs 29.2. It requires a recent version of two packages: ESS and websocket. Both of these packages are available from MELPA. Your version of Emacs must be compiled with native JSON support. To check this, check that the feature JSON is included in the variable `system-configuration-features'. Using the code Load this package and start an R session. Within an *R* buffer, or an .R buffer that is linked to a *R* buffer, start the graphics device using M-x essgd-start. Plots should then appear in the buffer. You can navigate through the plot history using p, n keys. Press r to refresh the buffer if a plot doesn't appear correctly. Press q to quit the buffer and close the R device. Acknowledgements Thanks to Florian Rupprecht for help getting started with the httpgd() device.