Homepage: https://github.com/mlf176f2/extend-dnd
Author: Matthew L. Fidler
R drag and Drop
* Introduction I would like to drag files onto a ESS buffer and write the appropriate code. Enter Extend drag and drop. * Installation To install, put the `extend-dnd.el' somewhere in your load path, and add the following lines to your startup file, usually =~/.emacs= (require 'extend-dnd) (extend-dnd-activate) * Status and Future Currently it only supports a few modes and extensions, but it is extendable. * Working with Yasnippets If you want extend-dnd to expand yasnippets based on the file name, make sure that `yas/wrap-around-region' is set to be ='t= or ='cua=. After you define a snippet in the major mode you are working with, and put the file name as `yas/selected-text'. For example with R csv files you could define ${1:$(concat "dat." (replace-regexp-in-string "^[.]" "" (replace-regexp-in-string "[.]$" "" (replace-regexp-in-string "[^A-Za-z.0-9]+" "." (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory yas/text)) t t))))} <- read.csv("${1:`yas/selected-text`}"); Then once this has been defined press `C-cC-d' to add the extension to the drag and drop list. The extension will be expanded based on the `key' value. Therefore, if you want more than one possible action for a particular file, give it the same key. For example, if you want the possibility to write to the csv you dragged in, you may wish to have the snippet: write.csv(d,"${1:`yas/selected-text`}"); * Wish List/TODO ** TODO Support dired mode ** TODO Support inferior processes. ** TODO Allow generic Yasnippet expansion by key name (like dnd_csv will automatically do drag and drop for csv files)