
Homepage: https://github.com/tumashu/exwm-x

Author: Feng Shu



A derivative wm based on EXWM (emacs x window manager)


* EXWM-X                                                         :README:doc:

** What is EXWM-X

EXWM-X is a derivative window manager based on EXWM (emacs x window manager),
which focus on Mouse-Control-People.

** Showcase
1. Tilling windows


2. Floating windows


** Feature
*** Appconfig
`exwmx-appconfig' is a database manager, which is used to record and manage
appconfigs (an appconfig is a plist of application's information), when run
command `exwmx-appconfig', a buffer with appconfig-template will be poped up,
user can edit the template and run `exwmx-appconfig-finish' to save the change
or run `exwmx-appconfig-ignore' to ignore the change.

All appconfigs will be saved into file: `exwmx-appconfig-file'.

By default, every appconfig have the following keys:

**** :command
Record the shell command of application.

**** :alias
Define alias of an application, this key is used by `exwmx-quickrun'.

**** :pretty-name
In EXWM and EXWM-X, an application is assocated with an emacs buffer,
user can set the buffer's name with :pretty-name.

**** :paste-key
Record the paste keybinding of an application, this key is used
by `exwmx-sendstring'.

**** :class
Record the application's class, this key is used by `exwmx-quickrun'.

**** :instance
Record the application's instance, this key is used by `exwmx-quickrun'.

**** :title
Record the application's title, this key is used by `exwmx-quickrun'.

**** :floating
If set it to `t', application will floating when launched.

**** :size-and-position
If set :floating to `t', user can use this key to set the floating window's
size and position.

Its value is a list of four elements:

(width height x-pos y-pos)

1. if element >= 1, it regard as: number of pixel,
   if 0 < element < 1, it regard as: screen * element.
2. user can set x-pos and y-pos to 'center, which
   mean that put the window to the center of screen.
3. User can set fallback value with the variable:

**** :add-prefix-keys
Add a key to `exwm-input-prefix-keys' of application.

**** :remove-prefix-keys
Remove a key from `exwm-input-prefix-keys' of application,

Note: if set it to `t', all keys in `exwm-input-prefix-keys'
will be removed, this is very useful when you want to launch
a new emacs session, this make new emacs session use *nearly*
all the keybindings except the keybindings defined by

**** :ignore-simulation-keys
Ingore simulation keys of application, if you set :remove-prefix-keys
to 't, maybe you should set this option to 't too.

**** :eval
Evaluation a expression when launch an application.

*** Buttons
EXWM-X add the following *buttons* to mode-line, user can
click them to operate application's window:

1. [X]: Delete the current application.
2. [D]: Delete the current emacs window.
3. [F]: Toggle floating/tilling window.
4. [<]: Move window border to left.
5. [+]: Maximize the current window.
6. [>]: Move window border to right.
7. [-]: Split window horizontal.
8. [|]: Split window vertical.
9. [_]: minumize floating application
10. [Line 'XXXX'] or [L]: line-mode
11. [Char 'XXXX'] or [C]: Char-mode
12. [9][8][7][6][5]: Set the size of the floating window to 90%~50% of screen.

Note: user can use mode-line as the button-line of floating window:

(setq exwmx-button-floating-button-line 'mode-line)

*** Easy move/resize
By default, EXWM use "s-'down-mouse-1'" to move a floating-window
and "s-'down-mouse-3'" to resize a floating-window.

When EXWM-X is enabled, user can drag *title showed in button-line*
to move a floating-window. and click [9][8][7][6][5] in button-line
to set a floating-window's size, *without press WIN key*.

Note: button-line is mode-line or header-line of emacs.

*** Quick Run
If the application's window is found, jump to this window, otherwise,
launch the application with command.

**** Common usage

(exwmx-quickrun "firefox")

Note: `exwmx-quickrun' *need* appconfigs stored in
`exwmx-appconfig-file', user should store appconfigs of
frequently used applications by yourself with the help
of `exwmx-appconfig'.

**** Define an alias
Search an appconfig which :alias is "web-browser", and run this
appconfig's :command.

(exwmx-quickrun "web-browser" t)

**** Adjust window ruler

(exwmx-quickrun "firefox" nil '(:class :instance :title))


(exwmx-quickrun "firefox" nil '(:class "XXX" :instance "XXX" :title "XXX"))

*** Dmenu
`exwmx-dmenu' let user input or select a command in minibuffer, and execute it.

`exwmx-dmenu' support some command prefixes:
1. ",command": run "command" in terminal emulator, for example,
   ",top" will execute a terminal emulator, then run shell command: "top" .

   Note: user can change terminal emulator by variable `exwmx-terminal-emulator'.

2. ";command": run an emacs command which name is exwmx:"command".
3. "-Num1Num2": split window top-to-bottom, for example,
   the result of command "-32" is: 3 windows on top and 2 windows in buttom.
4. "|Num1Num2": split window left-to-right, for example,
   the result of command "|32" is: 3 windows at left and 2 window at right.

User can customize the prefixes of `exwmx-dmenu' with the help of

*** Sendstring

`exwmx-sendstring' let user send a string to application, it is a simple
tool but very useful, for example:

1. Find a Unicode character then search it to with google.
2. Input Chinese without install ibus, fcitx or other external input method,
   just use emacs's buildin input method, for example: chinese-pyim, chinese-py,
   a good emergency tools :-)
3. Write three line emacs-lisp example and send it to github.
4. Draw an ascii table with table.el and send it to BBC.
5. ......

when run `exwmx-sendstring', a buffer will be poped up to let user edit.
after run command `exwmx-sendstring-finish', the content of the buffer will
be sent to the input field of current application.

`exwmx-sendstring-from-minibuffer' is a simple version of `exwmx-sendstring',
it use minibuffer to get input.

`exwmx-sendstring--send' can send a string to application, it is used by elisp.

NOTE: if `exwmx-sendstring' can not work well with an application, user
should set :paste-key of this application with the help of `exwmx-appconfig'.

*** Others
1. `exwmx-shell-command': run a shell command.
2. `exwmx-terminal-emulator': run a shell command in a terminal emulator.

** Install
1. Config melpa repository, please see:http://melpa.org/#/getting-started
2. M-x package-install RET exwm-x RET

** Configure

*** Add exwm-x directory to emacs's load-path
Pasting the below line to "~/.emacs" is a simple way.

(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/exwm-x")

*** Edit "~/.initrc" file or "~/.xsession" file
You should edit "~/.initrc" file, "~/.xsession" file or "~/.xsessionrc" file like below example:


# Support exwm-xim.
# export XMODIFIERS=@im=exwm-xim
# export GTK_IM_MODULE=xim
# export QT_IM_MODULE=xim
# export CLUTTER_IM_MODULE=xim

# Fallback cursor
# xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr

# Keyboard repeat rate
# xset r rate 200 60

xhost +SI:localuser:$USER

exec dbus-launch --exit-with-session emacs --eval '(require (quote exwmx-loader))'

*** Make "~/.initrc" or "~/.xsession" excutable

chmod a+x ~/.xsession


chmod a+x ~/.initrc

*** Edit "~/.exwm-x"
Add your exwm config to this file, for example:

(require 'exwm)
(require 'exwm-x)
(require 'exwmx-xfce)
(require 'exwmx-example)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t v") 'exwmx:file-browser)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t f") 'exwmx:web-browser)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t e") 'exwmx:emacs)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t c") 'exwmx-xfce-terminal)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t z") 'exwmx-floating-hide-all)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t C-c") 'exwmx-xfce-new-terminal)
(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t b") 'exwmx-switch-application)

(exwmx-input-set-key (kbd "C-t C-f") 'exwmx-floating-toggle-floating)

** Usage
*** Build appconfig database
When user *first* login in EXWM-X desktop environment,
appconfigs of frequently used applications should be added
to appconfig database file: `exwmx-appconfig-file',
it is simple but *very very* important, for many useful commands
of EXWM-X need this database file, for example:
`exwmx-quickrun', `exwmx-sendstring' and so on.

user should do like the below:

1. Launch an application with `exwmx-dmenu'.
2. Run command `exwmx-appconfig'.
3. Edit appconfig template
4. Save
5. Launch another application with `exwmx-dmenu'.
6. .......

*** The usage of "exwmx-example"
"exwmx-example" is EXWM-X buildin example, user can use it to
test EXWM-X's features, the following is its keybindings.
by the way, EXWM-X is a EXWM derivative, most EXWM commands
can be used too :-)

| Key       | command                         |
| "C-t ;"   | exwmx-dmenu                     |
| "C-t C-e" | exwmx-sendstring                |
| "C-t C-r" | exwmx-appconfig                 |
| "C-t 1"   | exwmx-switch-to-1-workspace     |
| "C-t 2"   | exwmx-switch-to-2-workspace     |
| "C-t 3"   | exwmx-switch-to-3-workspace     |
| "C-t 4"   | exwmx-switch-to-4-workspace     |
| "C-x o"   | switch-window                   |
| "C-c y"   | exwmx-sendstring-from-kill-ring |

If exwmx-example doesn't suit for your need, just copy and paste
its useful pieces to your "~/.exwm-x" file.

If user want to full override exwmx-example, a simple way is setting
like the below line *before load exwmx-loader*.

(defvar exwmx-default-example)
(setq exwmx-default-example 'your-own-example)

** Issues

1. When exwmx-xfce is enabled, header-line of floating window will
   dispear when move it to another workspace.
