
Homepage: git@github:emacsmirror/emacswiki.org.git

Author: David Smith



SuperMemo algorithm for Emacs flashcard


This is meant to be a replacement for the Leitner method
implementation already included with flashcard. It should
produce better results while supporting a much larger
database of cards.

The basic usage is still the same but after entering what
they think the answer is (or yes or no, whatever), the
important thing that the user must do is input a number from
0 to 5 (inc) to indicate how well he or she personally
remembered the item. This number will be a primary factor in
determining the date to show the card again.

There are parts of this that may be wrong. I've tried to
label those parts clearly but someone else should really
read the design doc for SM5 and compare.

The optimal factors matrix is stored in the deck file but it
is kept in memory between deck files on purpose. The optimal
factors are optimal to your brain, not to the material you
are stuffing in it, so if you move to a different deck file
with different material your optimal factors matrix should
go with you. There is a problem with this, though; if you
drill a deck, then quit emacs, then load a different deck
before loading the deck you were drilling before, your
in-memory optimal factors matrix will not be the
most-current version. Suggestions for how to fix this are
very much appreciated.

From the SM5 design doc, propagation of the optimal factors
matrix is recommended but not implemented here yet. I would
like to do so but it seems like it would be quite slow and
the docs are slightly contradictory so I have left it out
for now.

The searching procedures used for the next card should be
optimized. One idea for how to make this much faster would
be to keep the cards in a balanced-tree (in a list). This
would allow keeping the cards sorted by date with fast
insertion and easy retrieval of the next card.

UPDATE: 08/14. Rereading the SM5 documentation, I've updated
the procedure for calculating the next interval. It seems to
make the interval-matrix irrelevant but it might be a
mistake. I'll test for a few days.

UPDATE: 09/01. I think I've fixed the problem with the
calcuation of the interval after the first time a card is
asked that was introduced in the previous update. Please
test and report. Also, I've incorporated a patch from Danien
Elmes for reading characters.


Reverse dependencies