Homepage: https://github.com/leodag/form-feed-st
Author: Leonardo Schripsema
Display ^L glyphs as full-width horizontal lines
This minor mode displays page delimiters which usually appear as ^L glyphs on a single line as horizontal lines spanning the entire window. It is suitable for inclusion into mode hooks and is intended to be used that way. The following snippet would enable it for Emacs Lisp files for instance: (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'form-feed-st-mode) Forked from Vasilij Schneidermann's form-feed: https://depp.brause.cc/form-feed/ https://github.com/wasamasa/form-feed (archived) In comparison to it, this fork does not have configurable line width; however it always displays correctly, even if you have multiple windows showing the same buffer, and will never cause side scrolling since the form feed only occupies two spaces. It will also only affect form feeds in the beginning of the line, which to me is a feature since it does not hide any undesired characters after the form feed, making them easy to notice and remove.