
Homepage: http://fsvn.sourceforge.jp

Author: Masahiro Hayashi



Another frontend of subversion


fsvn supports
 * GNU Emacs 23.x or later.
 * Subversion from 1.6.x to 1.7.x. (1.8.x, 1.9.x is testing)

fsvn has TortoiseSVN like user interface by using `svn' command.
 Have following advantages of other Emacs svn client.
 * tsvn:*, bugtraq:* like property supported. (or will be supported)
 * Using `svn help' output for completing read.
 * Fast in huge working copy by background (asynchronous) process.
 * Has repository browser.
 * Has visualize blame/annotate/praise minor-mode.
 * Has svk support

 But following **disadvantage** has.
 * Key bindings are not familiar for legacy user.
 * Dired like interface but not exactly equals dired functions.
 * A little user help.

This package is tested on following environment.
     NTEmacs (based Emacs 23.3) on Windows.  svn 1.6.x - 1.7.x
     Emacs (24.4) on GNU/Linux (Debian).  svn svn 1.6.x - 1.8.x
     Emacs current (25.0.50) on GNU/Linux (Debian).  svn 1.6.x - 1.8.x
