Homepage: https://github.com/atykhonov/google-translate
Author: Oleksandr Manzyuk
Emacs interface to Google Translate
Installation: From MELPA or Marmalade. Just run `M-x package-install RET google-translate RET` Manual installation. Assuming that the file `google-translate.el' and other files which relates to this package is somewhere on the load path, add the following lines to your `.emacs' file: (require 'google-translate) (require 'google-translate-default-ui) (global-set-key "\C-ct" 'google-translate-at-point) (global-set-key "\C-cT" 'google-translate-query-translate) or (require 'google-translate) (require 'google-translate-smooth-ui) (global-set-key "\C-ct" 'google-translate-smooth-translate) Change the key bindings to your liking. The difference between these configurations is in UI which will be used: Default UI or Smooth UI. Please read the source of `google-translate-default-ui.el' and `google-translate-smooth-ui.el' for more details. Customization: Variables which are available for customization are depends on UI package which is selected for the google-translate package. google-translate-default-ui - is UI which is selected by default. It loads by default and is available right after google-translate installation and its initialization. Please read documentation for the `google-translate-core-ui.el' and `google-translate-default-ui.el' packages for more info about customization.