

Author: Eric Ding


Click to browse URL or to send to e-mail address


This package allows you to click or hit a key sequence while on a
URL or e-mail address, and either load the URL into a browser of
your choice using the browse-url package, or if it's an e-mail
address, to send an e-mail to that address.  By default, we bind to
the [mouse-2] and the [C-c return] key sequences.


To use goto-address in a particular mode (this example uses
the fictional rich-text-mode), add this to your init file:

(add-hook 'rich-text-mode-hook 'goto-address)

The mouse click method is bound to [mouse-2] on highlighted URLs or
e-mail addresses only; it functions normally everywhere else.  To bind
another mouse click to the function, add the following to your .emacs
(for example):

(setq goto-address-highlight-keymap
  (let ((m (make-sparse-keymap)))
    (define-key m [S-mouse-2] 'goto-address-at-point)

Known bugs/features:
* goto-address-mail-regexp only catches style addressing,
  not stuff like X.400 addresses, etc.
* regexp also catches Message-Id line, since it is in the format of
  an Internet e-mail address (like Compuserve addresses)
* If the buffer is fontified after goto-address-fontify is run
  (say, using font-lock-fontify-buffer), then font-lock faces will
  override goto-address faces.


Reverse dependencies