
Author: Jay Belanger



Program for keeping track of grades


Quick intro

Grade is an Emacs program for keeping track of student's grades.
It requires the calc package 

Starting up
If grade.el is somewhere in the Emacs load-path and a line of 
the form
(autoload 'grade "grade" "Emacs grading program" t)
is in the .emacs file, the program can be started with
M-x grade
Once the program is started, the user will be prompted for a file 
If an existing grade file is chosen, it will be opened in grade-mode.
If a new file is chosen, the user will be prompted for some
information about the class, then a table for the student grades will
be inserted into the buffer.  The user will then be given the option 
to enter the student names (in which case the user will then be prompted 
for the names of the students in the class, the prompting will stop 
when no first name is given) or to import a csv file.
(The csv file can be imported at a later time with the command 
M-x grade-import-data)

Inserting students
If several more students are to be added, the prompting can be started
again by typing C-cC-a (Add students).
Individual students can be also added with C-cC-n (New student).  In
this case, the student name will be prompted for, and the user will be
asked if they want to insert scores for the student.  Any time later,
typing C-cC-i will prompt for and insert the scores for the current
Students can be removed with C-k.  If a student is removed, their
information will be copied to the file filename-REMOVED in the
auxiliary directory.

Moving students
To move a student from one row to another, choose the student by
typing * when the point is in their row.  Move the point to the row
the student is to be moved to, and type @.

Inserting columns
A column in which to keep scores can be inserted at the end of the
table with C-cC-o (Open a column).  (To insert a column elsewhere,
move the point to where the column should be inserted and type 
C-cC-s (insert Scores).)  The name of the column will be prompted for,
and a point value for the assignment will also be prompted for.  
Normally the point value is a number, but if the point value begins
with an "=", it is assumed to be a formula. 
In a formula, the contents of another row named "name" can be referred
to with .  For example, suppose there is a column named "HW 1".
If a column named "Twice" is inserted and given the point value
"=2*", then the entries for column "Twice" will be twice those
of column "HW 1". 
Another option for formulas is to use a formula of the form
"AVG(...)".  In this case, the weighted average of
columns given by ... will be computed, except any blank scores
will be skipped.  This can be handy when giving optional assignments.
If the formula is "AVG(*)", then all score columns (except formula
columns) will be used.
If the column is not a formula column, the user will be given the
option of entering the scores in that column, in which case scores for
each student will be prompted for.  Typing C-cC-g will also prompt for
and insert the scores for the current column.
The bottom row of a column will contain the average of the column
entries.  If the point value for the column is not a number or a
formula, however, then that column is assumed to contain 
non-numerical data, and will not be averaged. 
A column can be removed by typing C-cC-k.

Note on computations
Note that an empty score cell will not contribute to the average when
averaging a column, but will count as a 0 when computing a formula.

Moving columns
The current column can be moved to the end of the table by typing C-c].
A column can be moved elsewhere by marking it with C-c*,
moving the point to where the column should go, and typing C-c@.

Moving around
The cells in the table can be navigated with the arrow keys, with C-n,
C-p, C-f, C-b, and with RET (move down one row) and TAB (move forward
one column).
Additionally, M-p will move to the top row, M-n will move to the
bottom row, M-b will move to the first column, M-f will move to the
last column.
The command C-cC-c (also M-<) will move to the top left cell.
The grade-mode commands will keep the point in the table, and many
commands in grade-mode assume the point is in the table.  If the point
is outside the table, C-cC-c can be used to move the point back in.

Editing cells
To edit the current cell, use =.
If the cell is a score computed by a formula, = will recompute it,
otherwise = will edit the cell contents.

Editing other information
C-cC-ec will edit the class name
C-cC-es will edit the section name
C-cC-em will edit that semester name
C-cC-ei will edit the instructor's name

Updating columns
To update a column is to recompute the scores in the column, if they
are given by a formula, and recompute the average for the column, if
the column is a number column or a formula column.
Typing C-c= will update the current column.
To update all the columns, starting from the left, use C-c#.
(grade-mode will make some attempts to keep all the information up to
date, but in some cases information will need to be updated
explicitly.  Note that if this is necessary and a formula involves a
quantity that appears in a column after the row, C-c# may need to be
done twice.)

Ordering the information
To put the students in alphabetical order, use C-cC-a.
(With an argument, this will put them in reverse alphabetical order.)
To arrange the students according the the scores on the current column,
(in decreasing order for a numeric column, in alphabetical order
otherwise), use C-c>.
To arrange the students reverse according to the scores on the current
column, use C-c<.

Displaying information
To display the name of the student in the current row, type "s".
To display the name of the current column, type "c".

Hiding information
Individual student rows can be hidden with the command "/"
Individual columns can be hidden with the command "C-c/"
These rows and columns can be shown with the command "C-cC-v"
and will also appear again next time the grade file is opened.
Student rows and columns can be hidden in another fashion.
The command "." will mark a row for hiding, and a "C-c." will mark
a column for hiding. Then "C-c-" will hide all marked rows and
columns.  (C-cC-hs will just hide the rows, and C-cC-hc will just
hide the columns.)  Additionally, the next time the grade file is 
opened, the marked rows and columns will still be hidden.
To display all the hidden rows and columns, use the command "C-c+"
The command "C-c|" will show all hidden columns, and "C-c_" all hidden
(Note that the command "C-cC-v" will not cause the hidden marked 
rows and columns to be displayed.)
Information will not appear on any output while it is hidden,
although hidden scores can still be used in formulas.

Student reports
To display a buffer which will show information on the students, one
student at a time, type C-cC-x (grade-show-reports).
If a previously existing grade file is started with an argument, 
C-u M-x grade, then it will start up showing the reports.

TeXing it up
To create a TeX file with the grade file contents, type C-cC-t.
To create a TeX file with student reports (each page will contain the
information on one student), type C-cC-r.
(Given a prefix, C-u, grade will try to fit two students per page.
 With a numeric prefix, C-u n, grade will try to fit n students
 per page.  They may not fit.)
To create a TeX file with a list of the names of the students, type

Exporting the data
The grade sheet can be exported in csv form with the command
M-x grade-export-data

If the variable grade-use-studentid is non-nil, then there will be
a column for the student id numbers.
If the variable grade-default-instructor-name is given a value,
then that will be the initial information when the instructor's name
is prompted for.
By default, the width of the columns containing the first names, last
names, studentids and scores will be 10, 10, 9 and 5, respectively.  
These can be changed by changing the values of  grade-fname-column-width,
grade-lname-column-width, grade-studentid-column-width and 
By default, the students will be listed first name last name.
To list them last name, first name, set grade-first-name-first to nil.
By default, the grade files are kept in ~/Grades/, this can be changed
by changing the value of grade-default-directory.
The student will be inserted into the table in alphabetical order, if
for some reason you don't want this done, change
grade-use-alphabetical-order to nil.
(Whether or not grade-use-alphabetical-order is nil, giving C-cC-n an
argument will insert a student at the current row.)
The class averages will be included in the student reports.  If this 
is not wanted, set grade-put-avg-in-reports to nil.
Any blank scores will be omitted from the reports, unless the variable
grade-include-blank-scores is t.
When the file is put into TeX form, it will put
grade-tex-columns-per-page on each page.  A reasonable value is
guessed, but it can be changed.
There will be a maximum of grade-tex-students-per-page students per
page, which is by default 35.  (35 students can fit on a page with 
about 5 formulas.)
There will be at most 30 grades per page on each TeXed report.
This can be changed by changing the value of grade-reports-grades-per-page.
The auxiliary files, for the TeX output and for the deleted students,
are kept in a subdirectory named "aux".  This can be changed
by changing the value of grade-aux-dir.
(Note that once a grade file is created, the same values of
grade-fname-column-width, grade-lname-column-width, 
grade-studentid-column-width, grade-score-column-width,
grade-use-alphabetical-order, grade-use-studentid and 
grade-first-name-first must be used.
The values of these variables will be inserted at the end of the
grade file when the file is created.  If you never change these
values, and don't want them at the end of the file, set the
variable `grade-always-insert-local-variables' to nil.
If these values are not at the end of a file and you want to insert 
them, the command M-x grade-insert-local-variables will insert them.
The command M-x grade-replace-local-variables will remove any old
information before inserting the new local variables.

Miscellaneous notes
The cells in the table are assumed to contain their bottom and right
boundaries (the - and |).
The first row cells are also assumed to contain the top boundary, and
the first column cells are assumed to contain the left boundary.

`q' will bury the Grades buffer.  If there are unsaved changes, you
will be asked if you want to save them.  With an argument,
`q' will kill the buffer.

Move forward one column:               C-f
 (This can be also be given a          Also rightarrow and TAB.
  numeric argument to move        
  more than one column at a time.)
Move backward one column:              C-b
 (This can also be given a             Also leftarrow.
  numeric argument to move        
  more than one column at a time.)
Move forward one row:                  C-n
 (This can also be given a             Also downarrow and RET.
  numeric argument to move     
  more than one row at a time.)
Move backward one row:                 C-p
 (This can also be given a             Also uparrow.
  numeric argument to move 
  more than one row at a time.)
Move to the first row:                 M-p
Move to the last row:                  M-n
Move to the first column:              C-a
                                       Also M-b.
Move to the last column:               C-e
                                       Also M-f.
Move to the beginning of the table:    C-cC-c
                                       Also M-<
Move to the end of the table:          M->

Edit (or evaluate) the current cell:   =
Edit the class name:                   C-cC-ec
Edit the section name:                 C-cC-es
Edit the semester name:                C-cC-em

Update the current column:             C-c=
Update all columns:                    C-c#

Add a student:                         C-cC-n
Add several students:                  C-cC-a
Add a new column (at the end):         C-cC-o
Add a new column (at point):           C-cC-s
Insert scores for student:             C-cC-g
Insert scores for column:              C-cC-i

Delete student:                        C-k
Delete column:                         C-cC-k

Displaying information
Display student name                   s
Display column name                    c

Moving information
Mark student for moving:               *
Move marked student:                   @
Mark column for moving:                C-c*
Move marked column:                    C-c@
Move current column to end:            C-c]

Ordering information
Alphabetize students                   C-cC-a
Alphabetize in reverse order           C-uC-cC-a
Arrange according to column            C-c>
Arrange in reverse order               C-c<

Hiding information
Hide student                           /
Hide column                            C-c/
Mark student for hiding                .
Mark column for hiding                 C-c.
Hide marked information                C-c-
Hide marked students                   C-cC-hs
Hide marked columns                    C-cC-hc
Show all hidden information            C-c+
Show all hidden columns                C-c|
Show all hidden students               C-c_
Show unmarked hidden information       C-cC-v

Create a student reports buffer:       C-cC-x

Create a grade TeX file:               C-cC-t
Create a student reports TeX file:     C-cC-r
Create a list of students:             C-cC-l

Export as a csv file                   M-x grade-export-data

Quit                                   q

Fix problem with reordering when there are hidden columns
Add functions `grade-show-all-students', `grade-show-all-columns'.
Removed headers.
