

Author: MichaƂ Krzywkowski



Increase context in compilation and grep buffers


This package provides commands to show and hide lines of context around
errors in compilation buffers or around matches in grep buffers
(e.g. M-x grep).  Works with `wgrep', `ag-mode', `ivy-occur-grep-mode',
`ack-mode' and `ripgrep'.


  (add-hook 'compilation-mode-hook #'grep-context-mode)

After evaluating that you can open a grep buffer and navigate to a match,
then hit "+" to insert a line of context before and after that match.
This is almost the same as running grep with `-A 1 -B 1` flags, except
the context is inserted only around match at point, not everywhere.
It is also much faster than re-running grep with those flags.
Hitting "+" again will insert more context lines and "-" will kill
outermost context lines.

This package will work with any *compilation* buffer except it needs to
know how to format context lines.  If you want to use it in your mode,
you can add an entry to `grep-context-line-format-alist'.
You can also add an entry to `grep-context-separator-alist' to specify
a separator for non-contiguous regions of context.
