Homepage: https://github.com/jixiuf/helm-etags-plus
Author: 纪秀峰(Joseph)
Another Etags helm.el interface
This package use `helm' as an interface to find tag with Etags. it support multiple tag files. and it can recursively searches each parent directory for a file named 'TAGS'. so you needn't add this special file to `tags-table-list' if you use GNU/Emacs ,you can set `tags-table-list' like this. (setq tags-table-list '("/path/of/TAGS1" "/path/of/TAG2")) (global-set-key "\M-." 'helm-etags-plus-select) `M-.' default use symbol under point as tagname `C-uM-.' use pattern you typed as tagname helm-etags-plus.el also support history go back ,go forward and list tag histories you have visited.(must use commands list here:) `helm-etags-plus-history' List all tag you have visited with `helm'. `helm-etags-plus-history-go-back' Go back cyclely. `helm-etags-plus-history-go-forward' Go Forward cyclely. if you want to work with `etags-table.el' ,you just need add this line to to init file after loading etags-table.el (add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-select-hook 'etags-table-recompute) (setq etags-table-alist (list '("/home/me/Projects/foo/.*\\.[ch]$" "/home/me/Projects/lib1/TAGS" "/home/me/Projects/lib2/TAGS") '("/home/me/Projects/bar/.*\\.py$" "/home/me/Projects/python/common/TAGS") '(".*\\.[ch]$" "/usr/local/include/TAGS") )) Installation: Just put helm-etags-plus.el to your load-path. The load-path is usually ~/elisp/. It's set in your ~/.emacs like this: (add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~/elisp")) And the following to your ~/.emacs startup file. (require 'helm-etags-plus) No need more. I use GNU/Emacs,and this is my config file about etags (require 'helm-etags-plus) (global-set-key "\M-." 'helm-etags-plus-select) ;;list all visited tags (global-set-key "\M-*" 'helm-etags-plus-history) ;;go back directly (global-set-key "\M-," 'helm-etags-plus-history-go-back) ;;go forward directly (global-set-key "\M-/" 'helm-etags-plus-history-go-forward) if you do not want use bm.el for navigating history you could (autoload 'bm-bookmark-add "bm" "add bookmark") (add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-before-jump-hook 'bm-bookmark-add) or (add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-before-jump-hook '(lambda()(bm-bookmark-add nil nil t))) (setq bm-in-lifo-order t) then use bm-previous bm-next and how to work with etags-table.el (require 'etags-table) (setq etags-table-alist (list '("/home/me/Projects/foo/.*\\.[ch]$" "/home/me/Projects/lib1/TAGS" "/home/me/Projects/lib2/TAGS") '("/home/me/Projects/bar/.*\\.py$" "/home/me/Projects/python/common/TAGS") '("/tmp/.*\\.c$" "/java/tags/linux.tag" "/tmp/TAGS" ) '(".*\\.java$" "/opt/sun-jdk-" ) '(".*\\.[ch]$" "/java/tags/linux.ctags") )) (add-hook 'helm-etags-plus-select-hook 'etags-table-recompute)