
Homepage: https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-ls-git



The git project manager for helm



Display list of branches in project and provide related actions.

Provide git log view from branches source with related actions (diff, patches, reset, find file etc...)

Display the open buffers in project.

Display a status source showing state of project (modified files etc...).

Provide its own commit facilities with a mode to edit commit (commit, amend etc...)

Allow rebasing and provide a mode to edit rebase-todo files

Display stashes list and provide related actions.

Display a list of all files in project under git control.

Allow looking quickly at diff on modified files.

Allow switching to git status with your preferred frontend (vc-dir, magit,etc...)

Full integration of git-grep, allow also usage of helm-grep (you can use ack-grep instead of grep).

Integrate usage of gid from id-utils.

Full integration with helm-find-files, allow you to browse project unrelated to current-buffer.

In addition, all actions of type files and buffers are provided.



Reverse dependencies