Homepage: https://github.com/tarsius/hl-todo
Author: Jonas Bernoulli
Highlight TODO and similar keywords
Highlight TODO and similar keywords in comments and strings. You can either explicitly turn on `hl-todo-mode' in certain buffers or use the global variant `global-hl-todo-mode', which enables the local mode based on each buffer's major-mode and the options `hl-todo-include-modes' and `hl-todo-exclude-modes'. By default `hl-todo-mode' is enabled for all buffers whose major-mode derive from either `prog-mode' or `text-mode', except `org-mode'. This package also provides commands for moving to the next or previous keyword, to invoke `occur' with a regexp that matches all known keywords, and to insert a keyword. If you want to use these commands, then you should bind them in `hl-todo-mode-map', e.g.: (keymap-set hl-todo-mode-map "C-c p" #'hl-todo-previous) (keymap-set hl-todo-mode-map "C-c n" #'hl-todo-next) (keymap-set hl-todo-mode-map "C-c o" #'hl-todo-occur) (keymap-set hl-todo-mode-map "C-c i" #'hl-todo-insert)