Homepage: https://github.com/KeyWeeUsr/imgur
Author: Peter Badida
Imgur client
This package provides an unofficial Emacs client for Imgur API. Currently it makes the basic functionality available such as authorization, uploading and deleting in both interactive and non-interactive approach. On top of that it provides an option to keep multiple sessions active with functions/commands named "*-with-session" (otherwise using an automatically created default session). How to: * `imgur-authorize-interactive' (or `imgur-authorize') * `imgur-upload-interactive' (or `imgur-upload') * for simpler access `imgur-upload-image-interactive' * `imgur-delete-interactive' (or `imgur-delete') Check these resources' documentation for more info: * https://status.imgur.com * https://apidocs.imgur.com * customization group `imgur' * imgur-*-success-func / imgur-*-fail-func