

Author: Olin Shivers


An inferior-lisp mode


Hacked from tea.el by Olin Shivers (  8/88

This file defines a lisp-in-a-buffer package (inferior-lisp mode)
built on top of comint mode.  This version is more featureful,
robust, and uniform than the Emacs 18 version.  The key bindings are
also more compatible with the bindings of Hemlock and Zwei (the
Lisp Machine Emacs).

Since this mode is built on top of the general command-interpreter-in-
a-buffer mode (comint mode), it shares a common base functionality,
and a common set of bindings, with all modes derived from comint mode.
This makes these modes easier to use.

For documentation on the functionality provided by comint mode, and
the hooks available for customizing it, see the file comint.el.
For further information on inferior-lisp mode, see the comments below.

Needs fixing:
The load-file/compile-file default mechanism could be smarter -- it
doesn't know about the relationship between filename extensions and
whether the file is source or executable.  If you compile foo.lisp
with compile-file, then the next load-file should use foo.bin for
the default, not foo.lisp.  This is tricky to do right, particularly
because the extension for executable files varies so much (.o, .bin,
.lbin, .mo, .vo, .ao, ...).

It would be nice if inferior-lisp (and inferior scheme, T, ...) modes
had a verbose minor mode wherein sending or compiling defuns, etc.
would be reflected in the transcript with suitable comments, e.g.
";;; redefining fact".  Several ways to do this.  Which is right?

When sending text from a source file to a subprocess, the process-mark can
move off the window, so you can lose sight of the process interactions.
Maybe I should ensure the process mark is in the window when I send
text to the process? Switch selectable?


Reverse dependencies